
Heart attack: These two drugs increase the risk during hot weather!

The thermometer is again close to 40 degrees Celsius this summer in France. The problems related to high temperature are increasing day by day. However, some medications also contribute to this complication. This is the result of a study conducted by German and American researchers in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research, August 1, 2022. The beta-blockers and antiplatelet drugs we were taking Increase the risk of a heart attack during a heat wave. Focus on this study.

More difficult regulation of body temperature

Kai Chin, associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology (Environmental Health) at the Yale School of Public Health, is one of the pioneers. to conduct this study. According to him, “Patients who take these two drugs (aspirin and beta-blockers) have a higher risk (heart attack). »

After further study on this topic, it Find the lead in regulating body temperature.

“We hypothesize that some medications may make it more difficult to regulate body temperature,” he points out.

Professor Chen has not completed his investigation These two heart drugs. However, it calls on all patients who take it to be vigilant, especially in these times of soaring temperatures.

2,494 cases of heart attack were included

After the work of Professor Chen other researchers Become interested in hitting Heart attacks during hot weather. So they found that exposure to cold or heat increases the likelihood of infection cause a heart attack in sick.

They noticed that the risk of a heart attack Because of the high temperature Increased once a certain threshold is crossed. From 2 to 3 ° C above normal temperatures, many patients experience an epileptic seizure.

A team of German researchers also researched The case of some patients in Augsburg (in Germany) between 2001 and 2014. In all, these researchers examined 2,494 patients who had a heart attack during hot weather (ie, between May and September). Thus, the study revealed the relationship between the treatments used, exposure to heat And the day of the heart attack.

Source: Pixabay

63 to 75% risk of heart attack

Data collected by these researchers from the Yale School of Public Health supports Professor Chen’s expertise. Taking beta-blockers or anti-platelet agents (such as aspirin) may increase the risk of heart attack during hot weather. The Multiples concerned with all patients studied, whether they were younger or older.

Researchers Get amazing stats :

  • Taking beta-blockers increased the risk of a heart attack to 65%.
  • Taking antiplatelet medication may increase this risk to 63%.
  • Taking beta-blockers and anti-blockers at the same time may increase the risk to 75%.

Should the medication be changed in the event of a heat wave?

Certain medications sometimes worsen heat-related complications. However, it is not reason to stop Do not modify or interrupt treatment on your own.

This decision rests with the attending physician, who can make a specific assessment depending on the patient. He will decide whether to review the effect of certain medications depending on the context.

But above all, self-medication should be absolutely avoided. During a heat wave, even take medicines It is dispensed without a prescriptionYou must follow the advice of a doctor.

This is for example the case of aspirin or paracetamol in case of fever or headache. Specialists say that these two drugs are not very effective during a heat wave. The first risks disturbing the body’s thermoregulation, while the second risks loses its effectiveness In the event of heat stroke.

Source: Pixabay

The correct actions to take in case of high temperatures

as soon as It started to heat upKeep the correct gestures to protect your health.
Take the time to read the instructions for your medications, the user guide for the blood glucose meters or the reagents you use.

Always follow the storage and transportation tips of Your medical equipment or treatment According to the instructions in the manual.

  • Do not take the initiative to modify or discontinue treatment.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day and eat enough.
  • Avoid direct exposure to heat and sunlight.
  • Make sure your home maintains as normal a temperature as possible.
  • If in doubt, always seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.
Source: Pixabay

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