HealthMental Health

Stress management techniques 



Stress management techniques are critical for maintaining good mental and physical health. Learning how to manage stress effectively can help you cope with everyday stressors and deal with major life events. This article provides an overview of evidence-based stress management techniques that can be incorporated into your daily life.

Causes and effects of stress

Stress is a natural reaction to demanding or threatening situations. In small doses, stress can help you perform under pressure and react quickly in emergencies. However, chronic or long-term stress can negatively impact your health and wellbeing [1].

Common causes of stress include:

  • Work pressure or job insecurity
  • Financial difficulties
  • Major life changes, like getting married or having a baby
  • Traumatic events, like accidents, illnesses, or death of a loved one
  • Relationship problems, divorce, or loneliness
  • Taking care of an elderly family member
  • Academic pressure

Effects of chronic stress include:

  • Anxiety, depression, irritability
  • Headaches, back pain, high blood pressure
  • Trouble sleeping, fatigue
  • Upset stomach, appetite changes
  • Anger, sadness, isolation
  • Poor concentration and decision making

Learning stress management techniques can mitigate these effects and improve your ability to cope.

Effective stress management techniques

Here are some of the most effective strategies to manage stress:

1. Exercise regularly

  • Aerobic exercise like walking, cycling, or jogging helps release endorphins, natural mood boosters.
  • Strength training builds muscle and improves confidence.
  • Yoga and stretching relax the muscles and calm the mind.
  • Aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week.

2. Practice relaxation techniques

  • Deep breathing – Inhale slowly through nose, exhale through mouth. Repeat.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation – Tense and relax muscle groups one by one.
  • Visualization – Picture a peaceful scene like a beach or forest.
  • Meditation and mindfulness – Focus on present moment.
  • Do for 10-20 mins daily, more during high stress.

3. Maintain healthy social connections

  • Spend time with supportive friends and family.
  • Join a club, faith community, or social group.
  • Volunteer for a cause that matters to you.
  • Schedule social activities routinely.

4. Set aside relaxation time

  • Make time for hobbies – reading, crafting, movies.
  • Take relaxing baths or listen to music.
  • Keep Sabbath or enjoy nature walks.
  • Do an activity just because it feels good.

5. Adopt healthy coping strategies

  • Talk to a friend or write in a journal.
  • Cry, yell, or engage in gentle physical release.
  • Use humor to lighten your mood.
  • Practice positive self-talk and affirmations.
  • Listen to motivational speakers.

6. Improve time management

  • Make to-do lists and break big tasks into small steps.
  • Prioritize your tasks and focus on most important ones first.
  • Say no to nonessential demands on your time.
  • Delegate tasks whenever possible.
  • Avoid procrastination and leaving things to the last minute.

7. Take care of your health

  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet.
  • Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and drugs.
  • Get enough sleep – aim for 7-9 hours per night.
  • See your doctor and dentist for regular checkups.
  • Take medications as prescribed.

8. Consider counseling or therapy

If you feel overwhelmed by stress, consider speaking to a mental health professional. They can help you:

  • Identify stress triggers
  • Change unhealthy thought patterns
  • Navigate major life changes or trauma
  • Access treatment for anxiety, depression or addiction
  • Develop customized stress management strategies

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When to seek professional help

You may want to consider counseling or therapy if:

  • Stress is disrupting your relationships, work or health
  • You use drugs, alcohol or other unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • Your mood is consistently low or anxious
  • You have suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviors
  • Stress levels remain high despite lifestyle changes
  • You’re unable to pinpoint the source of your stress

A psychologist can work with you to determine the root causes of your stress and develop targeted treatment approaches. Your primary care physician may also refer you to a psychiatrist or counselor.


Stress management techniques like exercise, relaxation, healthy lifestyle choices and social connection can reduce your stress levels and improve mood. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, reach out to a mental health professional for support. With the right strategies tailored to your situation, you can effectively manage stress and lead a mentally and physically healthier life.


  1. American Psychological Association. “Stress and anxiety.”


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