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Intermittent fasting guide – The Ultimate 2024 


Intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular diet trends in recent years. This guide provides an overview of intermittent fasting, its benefits, different methods, as well as tips for getting started and sticking with it long-term.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat, but rather focuses on when you should eat them.

There are several different IF methods, such as:

  • The 16/8 method: Fast for 16 hours per day, eat only during an 8-hour window
  • The 5:2 diet: Eat normally 5 days a week, fast or restrict calories 2 days a week
  • Alternate day fasting: Fast every other day
  • One meal a day (OMAD): Eat one meal per day

The most common approach is the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during the remaining 8-hour window. For example, you might skip breakfast and eat your meals between 12pm-8pm.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has been associated with a number of health benefits:

  • Weight loss: By restricting the window of time you eat, you reduce overall calorie intake which can lead to weight loss (1).
  • Heart health: Fasting lowers blood sugar, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, reducing risk of heart disease (2).
  • Brain health: IF may boost production of BDNF, a protein involved in neuron growth (3).
  • Anti-aging: Fasting promotes autophagy to clear damaged cells and recycle components (4).
  • Blood sugar control: By giving your pancreas a break from insulin production, IF can improve insulin sensitivity (5).

Additionally, intermittent fasting is simple to follow without tracking calories or macronutrients. Many people find it is easier to stick to than traditional diets.

Different Types of Intermittent Fasting

There are several methods of intermittent fasting to choose from:

16/8 Method

The most popular approach is the 16/8 method, which involves fasting for 16 hours per day and restricting food intake to an 8-hour window. For example:

  • Fast from 8pm until 12pm the next day (16 hours of fasting)
  • Eat between 12pm-8pm (8-hour “feeding window”)

During the fast, you can consume water, tea, coffee, and other unsweetened beverages. The 16/8 method is often called time-restricted feeding.

5:2 Diet

The 5:2 diet approach involves eating normally for 5 days per week while restricting calories to 500-600 per day for the remaining 2 days. For example:

  • Eat regular meals Monday to Friday
  • Fast/restrict calories on Saturday and Sunday

Some modify this by picking any 2 non-consecutive days per week to fast.

Alternate Day Fasting

As the name implies, alternate day fasting involves fasting every other day. On fast days, some eat no food while others aim for 500-600 calories.

  • Fast Day: 500-600 calories
  • Feed Day: Eat regular meals
  • Repeat the cycle alternating fast and feed days

One Meal a Day (OMAD)

OMAD or 23:1 fasting involves eating one main meal per day within a 1-hour window such as dinner, and fasting for the remaining 23 hours. People often combine OMAD with the keto diet for weight loss.

Periodic Fasts

Some fast for an entire day or multiple days at regular intervals such as:

  • 24-hour fasts 1x or 2x per week
  • 36+ hour fasts every 1 to 2 weeks
  • Extended 3-5 day fasts every few months

Getting Started with Intermittent Fasting

Here are some tips for getting started with intermittent fasting:

  • Start gradual – Begin with 12-14 hour fasts and gradually increase to 16-20 hours. This allows your body to adapt.
  • Minimize sweeteners – Don’t add sugar or artificial sweeteners to your coffee and tea during the fasting window.
  • Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water, herbal tea, and unsweetened beverages.
  • Listen to your body – Ease up if you feel unwell or sick.
  • Consider supplements – Take multivitamins or electrolytes if fasting for extended periods.
  • Tweak timing – Adjust your eating window as needed to align with your schedule and hunger cues.
  • Plan fasting periods – Schedule fasts during busy times to avoid focusing on food.

Tips for Sticking with Intermittent Fasting Long-Term

Making intermittent fasting a long-term lifestyle requires commitment and adaptability. Here are some tips:

  • Find a method you enjoy – Try different IF methods and choose one that is sustainable for you.
  • Be flexible – If your schedule changes, adjust your fasting/feeding window accordingly.
  • Listen to your body – Have a non-fasting day if you feel extremely fatigued.
  • Stay busy – Plan activities to distract you from hunger pangs.
  • Avoid trigger foods – Don’t keep unhealthy snacks that can lead to binges at home.
  • Manage stress – Focus on self-care, stress management, and quality sleep.
  • Track progress – Monitor weight, measurements, energy and other metrics to stay motivated.
  • Join a community – Get tips and share experiences with other intermittent fasters.

Common Intermittent Fasting Questions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about intermittent fasting:

Does intermittent fasting lead to muscle loss?

Studies show that intermittent fasting does not cause greater muscle loss than regular calorie restriction (630253-5)). Maintaining protein intake and strength training helps preserve muscle mass.

Can I exercise while fasting?

Light exercise is generally fine. However, high intensity or endurance activities may feel harder on an empty stomach. Adjust intensity or keep fasting periods shorter on workout days.

Is intermittent fasting safe for women?

Yes, IF can be safe for women if hormonal changes are considered. Fasting may impact fertility though (7). Check with your doctor.

Can I take supplements while fasting?

Yes, supplements like multivitamins, electrolytes and BCAAs will not break your fast. Avoid sweetened or caloric supplements.

What if I can’t sleep when hungry?

If late night hunger affects sleep, consider shifting your fasting window earlier in the day or eating a light snack before bed.

Can I drink coffee during a fast?

Yes, plain black coffee and unsweetened tea are generally fine to consume during fasting periods. Avoid adding cream, sugar or sweeteners.

Also Read:

Sample Intermittent Fasting Schedules

Here are some examples of how different intermittent fasting schedules might look over the course of a week:

16/8 Fasting Schedule

Day Fasting Period Feeding Window
Monday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm
Tuesday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm
Wednesday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm
Thursday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm
Friday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm
Saturday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm
Sunday 8pm – 12pm 12pm – 8pm

5:2 Intermittent Fasting

Day Fasting or Feeding
Monday Regular meals
Tuesday Regular meals
Wednesday Regular meals
Thursday Regular meals
Friday Regular meals
Saturday 500-600 calories
Sunday Regular meals

Alternate Day Fasting

Day Schedule
Monday 500-600 calories
Tuesday Regular meals
Wednesday 500-600 calories
Thursday Regular meals
Friday 500-600 calories
Saturday Regular meals
Sunday 500-600 calories

The Bottom Line

Intermittent fasting can be a sustainable and flexible approach to eating when done properly. Experiment with different methods to find one that fits your lifestyle and needs. Focus on listening to your body, staying hydrated, and maintaining nutrient intake even when fasting. Patience and consistency are key to seeing the long-term health and weight loss benefits.


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