
Dementia in the elderly: Household chores to prevent risks.

Dementia is a brain disease that affects more and more elderly people every year. In general, dementia is difficult to diagnose and there is no specific treatment yet. Older adults are often advised by specialists to engage in physical activities. But chores can also help them maintain their cognitive function and independence. Below is useful information to know the topic.

Dementia: what is it?

Dementia is characterized by deterioration of memory and mental abilities. This disease mainly affects the elderly. However, there are certain risks of suffering from a dementia praecox. But the odds are low before the age of 60.

In general, this is due to damage to brain cells. They no longer have the ability to communicate with each other. It must be said that some risk factors can enhance the onset of this disease. In addition to the aging stage, it can be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, brain damage, some medications such as anticholinergics, high cholesterol, etc.

There are several types of dementia, the most famous of which is Alzheimer’s disease. But there is also Lewy body dementia characterized by a neurodegenerative disease, vascular dementia caused by recurrent stroke and frontotemporal dementia that causes personality changes.

Knowing that it is an incurable disease, the best thing to do is physical exercises and brain activities that can improve memory and revitalize the brain. Follow a healthy, balanced diet, focusing on foods that are good for the brain such as fruits rich in antioxidants and foods rich in iron. But the simplest activity to do is to perform daily household chores.

What home business should you prioritize?

after science What is dementia? It’s time to learn about household chores that can prevent dementia. It will be beneficial for the brain. They require both physical and cognitive activation. It also promotes a good mood. Moreover, according to research, they prevent the onset and development of Alzheimer’s disease. At the same time, movement stimulates blood circulation. As much as he resorts to this solution to prevent disease and also to prolong itthe hope of life.

Among the household chores to be done at home, the following stand out in particular:

It is one of the actions that works to reduce the signs of depression often associated with the onset of dementia. Plus, the cleanser improves mood knowing it brings a sense of contentment. On the other hand, some people with joint deformities have to limit their efforts or risk getting fractures.

  • Make storage at home:

Knowing that dementia is a mental problem, it is essential that you be able to arrange your living space on a daily basis. So you should try to organize your living space as much as possible. This significantly reduces anxiety, stress and symptoms related to depression. The arrangement is similar to the process of meditation. At this time, the brain can release endorphins. This reaction alters the sensation of pain. This then results in relief. For people with dementia, this is an important household task, as it greatly enhances focus.

A new study shows that washing dishes by hand may help protect against dementia. The study, conducted in Sweden, found that people who washed the dishes at least once a day were 52% less likely to develop dementia than those who did not do so regularly. How can washing help prevent dementia? Researchers believe that the simple act of cleaning pots and pans helps stimulate and keep the brain active. Also, hot water and soap used for dishes can help reduce inflammation in the brain, which is thought to play a role in dementia. Next time you’re tempted to leave the dishes to someone else, remember that you’re probably doing your brain a favor!

Wiping is the removal of debris, dirt, and other contaminants from surfaces. It’s an important part of keeping your home clean and tidy, but did you know that it can also help prevent dementia? A recent study found that people who surveyed their homes regularly were less likely to contract this disease. Researchers believe that the physical act of sweeping the floor may help improve cognitive function and reduce the likelihood of developing neurodegenerative diseases. So the next time you’re thinking of skipping chores, think twice! A little effort now can save you a lot of headache later.

Other than that, gardening and cooking are tasks that should be planned daily to benefit from optimal mental health as you age.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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