
How long does a cold last?

Fever, sore throat and runny nose? You may have caught a cold. I wonder how long colds will go away? It is very natural!

How long does a cold last?

The cold usually goes away after that 2 to 3 days. It depends mainly on immunity. Some cases may persist from 7 to 15 days. This duration of the cold depends on the timeliness and quality of care, as well as cold type.

What kind of cold did you get?

A cold can be viral or bacterial. he is Contagious. The most common way the common cold is transmitted is aerosol. In fact, colds are more easily transmitted by coughing and sneezing. These are the conditions through which virus spread out Up in the air. It is also possible to become infected through direct contact. It manifests itself especially during seasons with low temperatures, such as winter or autumn. The truth is that the walls of the nose are more sensitive due to dry air During these times of the year.

The common cold is one of the most common illnesses in children. This is particularly related to the immune system’s adaptation to Foreign elements on the body. In a chronic form, colds appear only in the first years of a child’s life, because at this time his body is most exposed to the germs and bacteria that surround it. Colds can start with an allergy, for example, from the hair of dogs. It is important to know your allergens effectively over the years, they can become chronic disease. In the case of a child, the bout of a cold healed after a day, at worst more than a week.

A child with a cold

In adults, the common cold is more common than it seems. Colds occur approximately 4 times a year, and are most prevalent during this period Temporary states of fatigue. Between work and daily life, the weak immune system. Symptoms last longer in adults. Thus, the symptoms of the common cold are felt more often than in young children.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

Nasopharyngitis of bacterial origin

When it’s coldbacterial originThere may be a worsening of symptoms such as coughing, fever, or breathing difficulties. In some cases, diarrhea, vomiting, ear pain or conjunctivitis may occur. However, the common cold is mild infection. The human body produces defenses on its own without resorting to drugs in most cases. These symptoms disappear very quickly and do not cause complications, at least in the majority of cases.

In children, symptoms of infection may appear within a day.

Here are the first signs that may appear during a bacterial infection:

  • runny nose,
  • rhinitis (nasal congestion and sneezing),
  • Cough,
  • slight sore throat,
  • fever (about 38 degrees),
  • conjunctivitis.

In adults, the incubation time for bacteria is between 3 to 5 days after infection. Over the years, the body gains the ability to recover more quickly cold symptoms. If you start experiencing the following symptoms, you likely have a cold.

woman with fever
  • Tired,
  • Suspense,
  • Fever,
  • sometimes aches,
  • feeling “heavy head”,
  • dryness, up to a burning sensation in the nasal cavities,
  • Itchy nose
  • dull pain in the ears,
  • Angina or dry throat.

See also: Health: Best Tips for Removing a Cold Stuffy Nose

When a cold is of viral origin

As long as a cold is viral, symptoms can become more significant in some people with asthma, elderly or frail people such as Smokers are particularly affected. In this case, more appropriate care than common cold remedies will be recommended. Some complications can occur, such as:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting
  • breathing difficulties,
  • respiratory failure,
  • Sinusitis
  • co-infection or infection,
  • chronic bronchitis,
  • etc.

When a cold turns into a flu

However, as soon as you feel any of these symptoms, no matter how mild, it is best to go see a doctor. When the cold is handled poorly, it leaves a suitable place for fluIt is a highly contagious disease. The incubation period can vary fromfrom a person to another. However, the most undesirable effects are felt after the first and second day after incubation, whether about, Day 6-7. Symptoms are more severe and immunity is still weak, as you begin to recognize the foreign body in the body.

a person with influenza

As a reminder, the flu is a acute respiratory viral infection Which weakens the whole body. The most dangerous, but often confused with the common cold, can lead to serious complications in people most fragile.

In adults, the flu should go away After 5 days, although some symptoms may persist into the following days. On the other hand, the child has antibodies More resistant than adults. This brings the healing and incubation time faster, because the body detects bacteria more easily. In most cases, the influenza virus can be transmitted after 1-2 days. In babies under three months of age, antibodies are not fully developed and can lead to nasal congestion Severe difficulty breathing. This disease is common and should not be overlooked. Fortunately, it goes away with good treatment and a little rest.

How do you treat and relieve a cold?

Many of the grandmother’s methods are effective in relieving cold symptoms, which can be similar to those found in Corona virus disease. These remedies are mainly herbal. Drinking herbal tea with ginger and lemon can relieve colds. Turmeric is also a good remedy. You also need to rehydrate by Drink as much water as possible.

However, the best way to treat a common cold is to visit a GP and get the right treatment. Especially since the symptoms appeared It can be confused with that of covid. In adults, there are no medicines that can directly treat this. The medicines that your GP will prescribe will be used to treat a headache or even a cough. They will also help Boost your immunity.

How do you treat colds in adults?

In adults, the common cold can heal without treatment. You do not need to take antibiotics. However, in the case of a Bacterial complicationsYour GP can prescribe antibiotics. When faced with a viral infection, the body defends itself Thanks to the antibodies.

woman taking antibiotics

In case your immune system is a bit weak, taking some vitamins can benefit you. In this case, the file vitamin C Helps strengthen the immune system. However, it is immediately advised not to overdo it! To obtain the nutrients needed for recovery, a healthy, balanced diet may be sufficient. Above all, go ahead Fruits and vegetables.

Note: In all cases, moisturize as much as possible. The body needs a lot of water to survive and flush out toxins.

To treat colds more quickly, the following are recommended:

  • nose blowing as regularly as possible
  • Rinse the nose with the appropriate solution or sprays
  • Take paracetamol to reduce fever and headache
  • rest

Note: If your nose is blocked, you can, under a prescription from a GP, use one or a vasoconstrictor.

Effective treatment of nasopharyngitis in a child or infant

For a child under two years old, it is Cough suppressants are prohibited. For the treatment of children’s cough, it is better to resort to little grandmother’s recipes. A good herbal, lemon or honey tea can help.

However, medical treatment is preferred to avoid any kind of viral infection. Taking tonics is also a good alternative to supplement your treatment. It is recommended to give priority to fruits, vegetables and dairy products. It is important to keep your baby warm Prevent exacerbation of cough And the runny nose flow.

A child with a cold

To treat a cold in a child, you need:

  • give him some paracetamol to calm a fever,
  • Help him blow his nose as much as possible.

In the presence of a viral infection, it is necessary to take antibiotics.

How do you prevent colds?

Tips to avoid catching a cold

The common cold can be very contagious. To avoid infection, here are some tips:

  • Stay warm in cold and humid seasons
  • Ventilate bedrooms and rooms regularly
  • Humidify the air a little if possible
  • play sports
  • Eat fruits and vegetables every day

There are also many artificial machines that can prevent Virus accumulation Up in the air. For example, air humidifiers or essential oil diffusers. Nebulizer basedessential oil It is also a good alternative to air purifier in bedrooms and at home.

Tips to avoid the spread of colds?

in case radioactive contaminationCertain actions are necessary to avoid the spread of disease. that it :

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap or a water-alcoholic solution
  • Avoid physical contact with people (no kisses, hugs, etc.).
  • Disinfection of contaminated surfaces
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing
  • Use a mask

Either way, when you feel sick, don’t wait for your symptoms to get worse. Consult a doctor for more safety, because it belongs to you health Referred to !

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