
Monkey pox: five questions about the highest alert status of the World Health Organization’s decision to try to contain the outbreak of cases in the world

A new global health crisis? On Saturday, July 23 (July 23), the World Health Organization issued a maximum alert for monkeypox. While the disease is endemic to the African continent, cases recorded since the beginning of May are more concentrated in Europe and particularly affect men who have sex with men. Franceinfo answers five questions about this warning signal from the World Health Organization.

1Who decides the level of preparedness?

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) is responsible for determining whether a file The event constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (USPPI). makes a decision on the basis of the information it receives And the “Regarding established standards and procedures”in accordance with the International Health Regulations. He must too “Seeking the opinions of the emergency committee”, Composed of experts selected by him “Based on the skills and experience required for a particular session.”

So did the current head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus I decided to raise the highest alert level for monkeypox. This is despite the differing opinions of the expert committee. NotNine experts have spoken out against the USPPI, against six others in favor of such a measure.

2What does the WHO high alert status mean?

In accordance with the International Health Regulations, this maximum alert complies with An exceptional event to be determined […] that they pose a public health risk in other countries because of the risk of the disease spreading internationally; And it may require coordinated international action.” This is only the seventh time that the WHO has used this level of alert.

Concretely, theA Public Health Emergency of International Concern (USPPI) qualification is used in situations Serious, sudden, unusual, or unexpected.

3What is the situation in the world?

Since early May, the disease has infected more than 16,836 people in 74 countries, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dashboard, as of July 22. In France, 1,567 cases have been reported. In the UK: 2,208, in Spain: 3,125. Europe is therefore largely affected by the disease, while monkeypox is usually only endemic to the African continent. Since 1970, cases have been concentrated in eleven African countries.

“Anyone who has close physical contact with a person showing symptoms of monkeypox, or with an infected animal, is at high risk of infection”according to World Health Organization website. However, theDr. Tedros noted that for the time being, “This outbreak is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple partners, which means it can be stopped with the right strategies in the right group.”. statement also Severe warning from stigmatizing patients. “Stigma and discrimination can be just as dangerous as any virus.”Knock.

4What are the measures taken to combat the disease?

After the alarm, work. “A coordinated international response is necessary to stop the spread of monkeypox, Raj Punjabi, coordinator of the White House Office of Epidemic Control, said in a statement. We must protect the groups most vulnerable to disease, and fight the epidemic. The World Health Organization therefore recommends vaccinating those most at risk as well as health workers likely to encounter the disease. The European Medicines Agency (EMA), on Friday, also approved the use of a vaccine against human smallpox to counter the spread of monkeypox.

To protect yourself and others, if you have been in physical contact with someone who has monkeypox, the World Health Organization website recommends some measures you should take: Encourage the affected person to isolate themselves and, if possible, cover all skin lesions (eg, by wearing clothing over the affected parts)Keep the affected person’s clothing, towels, linens, and cooking utensils with hot water and detergent, “dispose of contaminated waste (such as bandages) appropriately.”

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