
Weight loss, muscle gain: The ketogenic diet seems to have the answer to everything

In short, the diet is extremely low in carbohydrates and high in good fats. It is ideal for enhancing the performance of mitochondria. They are our energy centers located at the heart of all our cells. Good fats are also important for maintaining your body’s electrical system.

When your body is able to burn fat for fuel, your liver manufactures water-soluble fats: ketones. They burn much better than carbohydrates. Ketones generate much fewer reactive oxygen species and secondary free radicals. Ketones go on to directly reduce inflammation, improve glucose metabolism, and promote muscle mass growth. A study showed that a low-sugar diet reduced the amount of fat in the liver by more than 20% in just nine days.

Keto diet benefits

The ketogenic diet provides many important health benefits. This may be the “revolutionary” method you’ve been looking for if you have weight problems or suffer from any chronic disease. Here are some of the major benefits of this program:

Lose weight

By rebalancing your body chemistry, losing weight or controlling weight is almost as easy. Studies have shown that a ketogenic diet can double weight loss compared to a low-fat diet.

reduce inflammation

When burned as fuel, fats release far fewer secondary free radicals than sugar. Ketones are also highly potent histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, which effectively reduce inflammatory responses. Several drugs currently being developed to treat inflammatory diseases associated with the immune system are also HDAC inhibitors. The ketogenic diet is a safer and more rational method. Because it is one of the most effective ways to reduce chronic inflammation by inhibiting HDAC.

Reducing the risk of cancer

While all cells (including cancer cells) can use glucose as fuel, cancer cells lack the metabolic flexibility to use ketones. While normal cells thrive on these fats. When your body enters a state of nutritional ketosis, it is better able to eliminate cancer cells through a process called autophagy. The ketogenic diet is an essential and essential tool that should be incorporated into the treatment of nearly all types of cancer.

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Increase muscle mass

Ketones preserve the branched-chain amino acids, thus promoting muscle mass growth.

low insulin level

Keeping insulin levels low helps prevent insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and related diseases. Research has shown that people with diabetes who follow a low-carb diet are able to significantly reduce their intake of anti-diabetic medications. or even reverse their disease. Reducing insulin resistance also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Recent research has strengthened the link between insulin resistance and dementia. Especially in people with heart disease.

clear mind

One of the first things people notice when they start burning fat for fuel is that any “mental confusion” they may have felt before is gone. Suddenly they were able to think very clearly. Ketones are a major fuel source for the brain, thus improving mental clarity.

Increased life expectancy

One reason we can survive for so long without eating is the process of ketosis, which avoids the breakdown of proteins. It has been found that people who follow a keto diet consistently increase blood levels of leucine and other important structural proteins. This allows these proteins to perform many important signaling functions. Ketones have similar properties to those of caloric restriction (fasting), which extends life. In particular by improving glucose metabolism, reducing inflammation, and eliminating dysfunctional cells.
In addition, the keto diet helps reduce insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), one of the factors that regulate growth pathways and genes. It is a major player in accelerating aging.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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