
Here are the 12 best tips to avoid a heart attack!

In France, more than 147,000 people die every yearmyocardial infarction. What you need to know, however, is that a large portion of these deaths could have been avoided. According to Dr. Jean-Michel Lesserve, Head of Nutrition at Institut Pasteur de Lille:

80% of risk factors for cardiovascular disease are modifiable. »

Thus, a person has the opportunity to avoid death due to cardiovascular disease to some extent. Specifically, with this in mind, we reveal to you 12 tips to follow To avoid heart attacks.

1. Consume Vitamin D

To prevent a heart attack, you must take vitamin D. 2008 observational study Conducted on 1739 people for 5 years attests to this. The study concluded that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart attack.

young woman in the sun
Source: Pixabay

According to this study, the level of vitamin D is less than 15 ng/ml in the blood Equal 62% Chances of having a heart attack. The good news in all of this is that Vitamin D is free for as long as the weather is nice!

In fact, exposing yourself to the sun for 20 minutes a week is enough to refuel. It is also found in foods such as tuna and salmon. In winter, because there is little sunshine, it is better to take vitamin D As a food supplement.

2. Beware of the slimming diet

Low-calorie diets can make you Weight loss In a few months. However, be careful, as it can harm your health.

The problem with diet is that in addition to reducing body mass, it also reduces good cholesterol level (HDL). Remember that the latter helps reduce the risk of a heart attack. Anything less would be a problem.

3. Avoid saturated fats and “Across”

An American study published in 2005 on 78,778 women have found :

  • A 5% increase in saturated fat increases the risk of heart attack by 17%.
  • 5% fat “Across” (Hydrogenated vegetable oils) increase this risk by 93%.
Source: Pixabay

Therefore, avoid as much as possible eating products containing Saturated fat And the “Across”. To do this, check the product label.

4. Watch your weight

Weight gain usually due to lack of physical activity and a lot of food. This increases the risk of a heart attack. To combat this, nothing is difficult: eat healthy food and exercise regularly.

5. Prioritize fiber

You need to watch everything you eat. If there’s one thing you need to focus on, it’s fiber. Fiber brings many benefits, it reducesbad cholesterol level (LDL). The latter increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks.

6. Eat antioxidants

According to Dr. Catherine Solano:

Free radicals present in the body stimulate tissue inflammation and are involved in the emergence of cardiovascular disorders. »

Heart attack
Source: Pixabay

These disorders are at the root of heart attacks. But all of this can be avoided Consume a lot of antioxidants. It is found on a daily basis, among other things, in green tea and red fruits such as cranberries.

7. Reduce your stress levels

According to a study conducted across 52 countries In 2004, stress was the cause of 32% of heart attacks. How do I do ? Everyone does what they can, but here’s what Dr. Catherine Solano recommends:

“Yoga, mindfulness meditation, cardio coherence, psoriasis are good allies for de-stressing.”

8. Boost Omega-3s

Did you know that a clot can cause a heart attack? To prevent this from happening, eat Foods Rich in Omega 3. It is found abundantly in fish, rapeseed or nut oil.

9. Get checked regularly

To avoid the risk of a heart attack, you must Check your cholesterol levels regularlyYour blood pressure, weight, and blood sugar. To do this, it is enough to make a regular visit once or twice a year to the GP.

Heart attack
Source: Pixabay

10. Stay away from tobacco

We all know that smoking is bad for your health. In addition to Breathing problemsIt also increases the risk of heart attacks. This is in the smoker and around it.

“Carbon monoxide from cigarettes passes into the blood and narrows the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks,” says Dr. Catherine Solano.

11. Doing sports

We can never say that enough! Sport is more than beneficial for physical and mental health. Exercised regularly, it ensures optimal heart health. To avoid a heart attack, it is not the severity that matters, but practice periodicity.

12. Women beware!

Many people mistakenly believe that men are more likely to have a heart attack. from 50 years oldFemale hormones stop their work in lowering cholesterol in the arteries.

What makes it so menopausal, women They are more at risk for a heart attack. Of course, the previous advice applies.

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