
Only geniuses can solve this math puzzle!

A math problem posted on Facebook, with a particularly simple statement, specifies that only 1 person out of 5,000 can find the solution. Easy to understand at first glance but maybe not as easy to solve as it seems. Will you be that person?

Logic is an essential quality to develop for greater ease in the professional world or simply to solve the small problems of everyday life. Because all too often, we stay stuck in difficulties because we don’t know how to deal with the problem, where to start, and what steps to take next to find a “logical” solution to our embarrassment.

The logical mind is built from childhood to adulthood

Logic is built little by little, stage by stage, from face to adulthood. Specifically, in the last stage of cognitive development, children learn complex logic rules. Then they use these rules to understand how abstract concepts work and solve problems. The child, and then the adult, can analyze his environment and make deductions. He can create theories about what is possible and what could happen in the future, based on his current knowledge.

This is called hypothetical deductive reasoning. This is an essential part of the stage of acquiring logical reasoning that will follow us throughout our lives. It allows anyone to think “what if?” “If you approached the problem differently, would the solution be simpler? What is behind appearances? And if it’s more complicated than I first see? What data do I have for sure that could allow me to build a fair logic and output the answer? Anyone with this skill can imagine many possible solutions and outcomes in a given situation.


In the logical stage, one can imagine many ways to solve the same problem and then choose the best option based on its logic or success.

For example, if you are going to build a model of the solar system using materials from around the house, you can use them in a variety of ways. Thinking of several possibilities and then using the most logical and effective possibilities shows that one has hypothetical deductive thinking skills. This skill is acquired in late childhood and early adolescence, after which it will serve us throughout our lives.

One can also examine and evaluate one’s thoughts and actions. For example, if you are arguing with a friend, you can think about how opinions or behaviors contribute to the situation. You can then decide how to handle the situation.

At first glance, the puzzle seems simple:

If 11 x 11 = 4, and 22 x 22 = 16, what is 33 x 33 =? People are engaged in a heated debate about the real answer, so before you read the next page, try to understand it for yourself. What do you think is the answer?

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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