
How to install a thermostat connected to the house?

This device allows you to remotely control the ambient temperature of your home to better manage your energy consumption.

To save energy and reduce heating bill, Install an online thermostat It is a good solution. It offers several settings, such as a weekly planning of the times of use of the boiler, according to your habits, or the possibility of turning the heating on and off remotely … The only prerequisite: the presence of an Internet box for the device to connect to the smartphone .

We chose the Netatmo model, which offers excellent value for money and a stylish and original design. There are two connection options for this thermostat: replacing a wired mechanical model or directly to your individual boiler. This is the first solution that we explain in detail here.

connected thermostat

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1. Connect the Wi-Fi Pass

Begin by locating the relay. It is a square, a little more than 8 cm, with a removable electrical socket. Connect it to the mains, near the place (up to 100 meters in an open place) where the new thermostat will be fixed. When the relay light is blinking, you can turn off the power at the circuit breaker.

2. Remove the old device

Remove the thermostat housing cover that is still in place to access the wires. Feel free to take a picture to remember the initial connections. Locate the control wires. In our case, there are only two. If there are more of them, then the people you care about are those that were connected to the old thermostat (COM / NO ports).

3. Connect the control wires

Disassemble all elements of the old thermostat and connect the control wires to the new Domino. Isolate others with dominoes, if any. Pass the assembly through the wall mount and fix it by drilling 4 holes, sockets and screws are provided in the package.

4. thermostat repair

After inserting the included batteries, place the new thermostat on its wall mount. You can then restore the power so that it finds and connects to the Wi-Fi relay. And when the correlation is established correctly, the set (high) and measured (low) temperatures are displayed on the screen.

Press the top or bottom of the can to increase or decrease the required number of degrees. Carry out a pressure test to the max to make sure the boiler is working properly.

5. Application setup

Start by downloading and installing the manufacturer’s app (iOS and Android) on your smartphone or tablet. Create an account by entering various personal information and information about where you live. You can now access all commands remotely.

We saw the installation of a connected thermostat

Replacing the old mechanical thermostat is not really complicated to implement. The manufacturer’s explanatory note is particularly straightforward and requires only basic DIY concepts: 4 holes in the wall and a few turns of a screwdriver. Direct connection to the boiler is a little more complicated and more involved. Manipulation remains quite possible, but requires more knowledge.

How to connect the thermostat to the boiler?

This connection is more complicated than simply replacing the old thermostat. Before proceeding with the process, find the exact reference for your boiler model. Then go to the manufacturer’s website to check for compatibility with the device. If so, remove the protective cover to access the wireless relay terminals.

Remember to turn off the power before any manipulation. Then locate the thermostat input connectors before you can make the connections. Help yourself to the user manual, everything is clearly explained there. If you have any doubts, feel free to contact your heating specialist to check your connections or have them installed for you.

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