
Testimony of Scam King Marco Molli Outrages ‘It Begins Today’ Fans

France 2 Live screenshot / Starting today

France 2 Live screenshot / Starting today

Rarely are the numbers on It Starts Today to inspire so many comments on Twitter. On Thursday November 24, 2022, Faustine Pollaert welcomed Marco Molli to her set, during a program on mares. But the presence of the “fraud king” deeply upset the social network, as did his unfettered testimony.

Marking his own Justice Week, he kicks off the day connecting themes, as powerful and diverse as they are. Earlier this week, the show sparked a shocking response on Twitter, with its themes of “Killed for Nothing,” and the “Machiavellian ambush.” Even the testimonials on this last subject have been called “horrific” and “dirty” by truly defeated netizens. This Thursday, November 24, 2022, the lighter topic would have calmed Twitter. But the social network with the blue bird quickly caught fire …

For “Hideaway, Fake Identity, Adrenaline: A Life on the Run,” Faustin Bullert has already received on the set Bernard André said “The Baron,” as well as Marco Molli. Nicknamed the “Fraud King”, the latter opened the ball by answering the host’s questions first. The person who created the VAT fraud scheme in connection with the carbon tax, which amounted to 1.7 billion euros, was questioned about his candidacy for five months.

On July 7, 2016, he learned of his eight-year prison sentence via text message while in the courtroom bathroom. He decides to flee, but prefers to talk about it as a “step back.” The understatement that made Faustin Pollaert laugh. Luck was with him: “God help me, I saw lawyers in the restrooms, they took off their (sic) blouses.” Very quickly, he put on one of the robes as well as a pair of spectacles found nearby, and managed to escape from the court in disguise. He rushed into a car and then boarded a train for Cannes, where he had gone to look for his wife and children. Five months of crazy running followed, which took him through no fewer than 17 countries. “I didn’t run in a basement, I went for a great run. I showed myself, I was wanted by all the cops in the world, I was on the red list of fulfillment […] And I enjoyed that, ‘catch me if you can’, for me it was a game.”

“This is the first time I’ve ever felt angry about this show.”

This insane arc ended in a Geneva nightclub, where he was arrested looking like “the world’s greatest terrorist,” in his words. Despite this setback, Marco Molli does not regret these five months at all, he would be ready to start all over again. Half-embarrassed, half-embarrassed, he explained to Faustine Bullert, “I would have spent a year in prison to redo five months as a fugitive. This run has brought me so much fear and emotion, that I have never cried…”. As usual, the host made no secret of his annoyance with the character. “I am very upset with you Marco, because you are so romantic and, at the same time, you are a cutthroat, a cheating person. I can’t know how to feel…”, A- said, transparently.

But on Twitter, that sentence wasn’t enough to defuse the annoyance. Since the beginning of the show, many netizens have strongly protested against the topic of the day, as well as against a glimpse of the guests. It infuriated the way Marco Molli downplayed his misdeeds, his refusal to call the VAT fraud a fraud or to say he was “honest with people”. Many would have liked France 2 not to have given such a platform to this man, who has also benefited from the promotion of his book. Others lamented the lack of contradiction in his testimony as well as that of Bernard Andre.

video. Faustin Pollaert: “Some programs are corrupt”

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