
How much sparkling water should not be exceeded per day?

First of all, you should know that sparkling water has many benefits. However, it should be consumed in moderation. Indeed, despite the many properties of sparkling water, the metabolism and needs of each person are different.

It should be noted that the hydration capacity of carbonated water is the same as that of natural water, so there is no difference in this regard. There is also no difference in the thirst-quenching power: the greater thirst-quenching effect that many people experience when drinking carbonated water is simply due to the fact that the bubbles it contains stimulate the taste receptors in the palate, giving a greater feeling of freshness in the mouth, which is nonetheless temporary. .

It is also true that sparkling water has no calories, but it cannot be used as a substitute for mineral water. The ideal is to combine the two, since the consumption of sparkling water is not recommended for everyone.

Recommendations for drinking sparkling water

It is not recommended to drink more than two glasses of sparkling water during meals, provided that it is supplemented with plain water. The bubbles can cause widening of the stomach walls which leads to flatulence, air inflammation and meteors: “It is therefore not highly recommended for people with such disorders.”

Pay attention to the sodium content, as some types of sparkling water have non-recommended levels. If sparkling water contains between 20 and 100 milligrams per liter, then people with high blood pressure or edema, including pregnant women, should drink this water in moderation.

Fill a cup with sparkling water
Image credit: Freepik

Characteristics of carbonated water

More and more people are enjoying the amazing benefits of sparkling water. Note that some of them:

  • It moisturizes and then your body expels the carbon dioxide it contains.
    It contains the same nutrients found in natural mineral water: calcium, potassium and magnesium. But sparkling water also contains sodium, as we explained, so you should be careful consuming it.
  • The calories in sparkling water are zero.
  • The gas present in this drink has a saturating effect on our body, which makes it ideal for controlling hunger in people who are on a diet.
  • Sparkling water facilitates abundant digestion, which helps stimulate the correct secretion of gastric juice.
    Another property of sparkling water is that it sensitizes the taste buds, thus enhancing the flavor of the food.

Does sparkling water make you fat?

Many people believe that sparkling water can cause weight gain, even though it contains no sugar, calories, or flavors. However, the truth is that carbonated water has no direct link to weight gain. This is true as long as you know that your sparkling water does not contain settling agents or flavor enhancers. Carbonated water may contain natural acids, sodium, sweeteners, flavorings and other additives. These hidden calories and extra sodium can make you fat in the long run. That’s why you need to pay close attention to the labels and know what sparkling water you are buying.

In conclusion, regardless of its organoleptic properties, which one can like or not, depending on what carbonated water he drinks .. In other words, carbonated water should not completely replace natural water, which should always remain the first choice, especially when it is It is necessary to consume more fluids, for example during the summer season, when the risk of dehydration is greatest. »

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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