
Excluded. “I only come across strong people!” : Renaud is very proud to have won the 2022 Masters of Don’t Forget Lyrics

End of applause for the 2022 Masters of Don’t forget the words ! this saturday night, Nagoe He presented the last evening of the competition at France 2. After a month of play, he faced four semi-finalists: Renault (No. 4 in the ranking) and Élodie (No. 32), followed by Hervé (No. 6) and Manon (No. 10). Unfortunately, the two young women lost at the gates of the finaland left the field open for the boys, who each shone in the match. At the end of the return duel, the Belgian with the draw won. Great first for Raynaud! The teacher evaluated his adventure with Tele-Leisure.

Tele-Loisirs.fr How did you approach this fourth year of participation in the Masters?

Renault: I was more relaxed than before. My reviews are lower, which means I have fewer perceptions, if I lose. In the past year, I have put a lot of pressure on myself. I used to study up to 7 hours a day…

Every once in a while, your biggest frustration is that you don’t review enough…but how can you not rely on your reviews?

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Personally, I am always a pleasure to play, in the sense that I have always listened to French songs. At the dawn of my first travel, I often did my revisions during car trips, for example. And I kept that notion of fun a little bit. The day I lose it, I will stop reviewing.

Did you change your routine?

Not really, I just keep working continuously, an hour every day, rather than doing everything at the last minute. I try to do it gradually with my wife who makes me review same songs (a recurring theme in the game, editor’s note). I don’t know if I’ve prepared better in recent months. I think all the hard work over the past two years has paid off tonight.

What was your goal in joining these professors?

I wanted to get to the bonus and earn a little something, because we’re reviewing that too. On the other hand, I didn’t necessarily want to win them over, and I don’t have that claim… I wanted to rub shoulders with the “best of the best” to see if my personal work would pay off!

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Was there a moment in competition when you felt insecure?

Yeah, so I wouldn’t say I had any expectations about the candidates who would qualify, but I knew very strong candidates would fall in front of me. Even if we are in a routine where people are more efficient than when you arrived. I knew Kaël was a candidate with very recent knowledge, and then Arsène (No. 32) was impressive. I also met Geoffrey (#14) and he did the biggest revision this year! So I come across only strong people … And that’s what I love! I would rather lose on these types of profiles than win against someone who is more laid back.

The finale against Hervey is the ultimate meeting between two “old hands”. Does this situation bother you?

No way ! It will soon be 4 years and I am in the family Don’t forget the words And facing Hervé, who is a token candidate, is actually a bit funny. In the sense that we see that the old has adapted to the new formula with “Super Masters.”. But if we’re going to be competitive, we have to adapt! Then I find it good, and finally it pushes us to learn pieces that are out of the ordinary or out of our repertoire.

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How did you experience this final?

Well, even if I don’t see a winner in the first round. What made the difference was the second same songwhich is unprecedented Confidence in confidence (by Jan Schultheiss, editor’s note) which I worked on and so I went too far in the lyrics. Hervé has mastered it much less…

With this great victory, you finally proved to yourself that you can tame stress!

Yes, and it’s a bit paradoxical. When I put less pressure on myself, I perform much better. During last year’s Maestros tournament, which I had the chance to win against the first four favorites in the standings, I went there feeling very comfortable. I would say I was in the same frame of mind this time around. Whatever happens, just by getting into the group, you’ve already won. It’s also been good to see friends like Tony (No. 27), Hervey, discover more new frontrunners like Kyle and Jeffrey. When we talk about the family, it’s not fake!

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You are leaving a nice amount. Do you have projects to implement in the amount of 76,000 euros?

We intend to install photovoltaic panels to be able to save energy, to have greener energy. And then to be able to travel a little further than Europe!

#Excluded #strong #people #Renaud #proud #won #Masters #Dont #Forget #Lyrics

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