
Paris, Lyon, Grenoble: after the defeat of the Blues, the streets are overflowing

Defeat on Earth drove the lives of many into the streets. At the end of the World Cup final in Qatar, where the losing French team exited, several French cities witnessed an overflow on Sunday evening.

Mortars on the Champs Elysees

In Paris, the Champs-Elysées, a traditional venue for celebrating Blues victories, gave way to some overflow after part of the crowd left at the end of the match. Fireworks and mortars targeted police at the start of the evening, as journalist Clément Lanotte attests on Twitter. In his photos, we can see a large group of police, backed by cars, lined up in front of the crowd.

The Paris police headquarters had planned to create an important security apparatus this weekend, mobilizing several thousand police and gendarmerie in the capital and in the Ile-de-France. Vigilance has been heightened on the Champs-Elysées sector, in particular, with limited traffic before the match and until midnight.

The governor calls for calm in Lyon

The incidents broke out in the city center of Lyon, the Rhône Prefecture announced on Sunday evening, some twenty minutes after the whistle blew for the last match. “Police are currently hurling projectiles near the Place Bellecour,” the prefecture said in a tweet, calling on those present to “stay away from violent groups.”

According to Le Progrès newspaper, rubbish bins were set on fire, and mortars, smoke bombs and firecrackers were thrown in Lyon’s central square. The security forces used tear gas and water cannons to evacuate the buildings, which were banned from entering.

Tensions are also in Grenoble

Since 7 pm, mortar fire has been raging in the streets of Grenoble (Isère), reports Le Dauphiné Libéré. Garbage bins were set on fire, tram tracks were set on fire, and fireworks were aimed at police who came to frame any overflow.

After 8 p.m., new trash cans were set on fire, while cars and shop windows were looted in the city centre, as the streets were filled with rubbish. The situation began to calm down after 9 p.m., with police regaining control of the main crossroads in the city centre, according to Le Dauphiné Libéré.

One wounded and another arrested in Boulogne-sur-Mer

Smoke bombs were fired at Place Dalton in Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pass-de-Calais), according to Nord Littoral. During the floods, which required the mobilization of police forces, a young man was wounded in the face. After that, the police arrested a man in the same area while he was trying to flee at the wheel of a car, heading at full speed towards the police.

Seven arrests in Bordeaux

At around 8 p.m., small groups set rubbish bins on fire and threw glass bottles at police around Bordeaux’s Place de la Victoire (Gironde), according to Sud-Ouest. Calm returned around 9:30 p.m.

Bordeaux police made seven arrests for “violence against a person in charge of a public authority,” “banning the carrying of weapons,” or “possession of fireworks,” according to the local newspaper.

#Paris #Lyon #Grenoble #defeat #Blues #streets #overflowing

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