
Women’s Euro 2022 – France – Germany: time for “French flair”

From our special correspondent in Milton Keynes,

Football is back homeGood for him. Les Bleues, they have another ambition:Take the cup home‘, to use Melvin Mallard’s words. Less poetic, of course. But romance has never won titles. The day after the Three Lionesses qualified for the final, Milton Keynes had all eyes on Wednesday to find out who those who dared go against the course of English history, place your bets. over France or Germany.

Euro 2022

Where do you watch the semi-finals of France and Germany?

18 hours ago

Here, in one of England’s most depressing towns, comes Corinne Deacon’s Bleues in search of joy. They are no longer far from the contradiction. At Rotherham New York Stadium was his second home with these four games in a row but always in an atmosphere worthy of an away game. In Rotherham, it was they who created the most opportunities in this euro … but also those who changed them least. At Rotherham, again, they were methodically masters of their own destiny…without necessarily being masters of the match.

Wendy Renard and Associates: The Perfect Mysteries of “French Taste”?

Credit: Quentin Guichard

Opposite the “Deutsche Qualität”

Basically, these are blues in their image: instinctive, talented, sunny, imperfect and almost naive. This is what makes their charm. Flair, improvisation and creativity: out of this unsettling trident the “French flair” of French rugby was born. The ball is round but these three colors stick to the definition. So, after you’ve already traumatized Twickenham, Temple Rugby, why not treat yourself to a typical French treat by spoiling the English party at Temple Football?
But before that, there is a duel against Deutsche Qualitate. The expression is not a usurper: four matches, four victories, eleven goals were scored, no nets were conceded and there was no shadow of a doubt for Manchaft that no one expected in such a party. The German queens seem to be in a hurry to reclaim their throne and reconnect with a dominance that no one has been able to get close to since. Martina Voss Tecklenburg’s forces are killer, well-groomed, well-prepared and more comfortable. On paper, if it is necessary to assign a favourite, it seems obvious. However…

Some may rely on their childhood memories to find the key. “We always pushed them, they have bad memories with ussays Gilles Equim, former youth coach. For example, during Euro U19 in 2019, the German team was presented as the ogre, as the team to beat. We’ve always had success against them, it’s more easy-to-read football than us. We have that quality, with players who are able to make a difference, to raise eyebrows, and to do extraordinary things. It has always been a big problem for them.. “French flair we tell you.

Occupied supporter: “I put a note on France against Germany”

Watch out for the roundabouts

Now that the glass ceiling of the quarters has exploded, do these blues have a limit? They themselves may not know it. But it will be infuriating if the adventure ends there, at the gates of the final who is still fleeing this French team. After the 2011 World Cup Finals and the 2012 Olympics, the third international semi-finals for these two blue teams should be right. The one who puts them in their rightful place, between the two best European countries.

So here’s Corinne Deacon’s proposed challenge: It’s seductive and could be a real turning point. Fortunately, in Milton Keynes, we are sure of one thing: it is the city in England with the most roundabouts. It’s up to Bleues to choose the right exit… Hint: He’ll point to Wembley.

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#Womens #Euro #France #Germany #time #French #flair

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