Purchasing Power Law: MPs vote on 'Macron's bonus', fuel deal imminent

Purchasing Power Law: MPs vote on ‘Macron’s bonus’, fuel deal imminent

On the second day of the purchasing power law examination, the points of contention over fuel subsidies between the government and LR were resolved. According to government sources quoted by Agence France-Presse, an agreement is imminent between the Executive and the Republicans on the fuel. Discussions are now underway “at the level of the Prime Minister” Elizabeth Bourne, identifies these sources.


As a reminder, in the absence of a relative majority in Parliament, the government is seeking compromises on this highly anticipated text. The discussions relate in particular to the level of the discount, given that the government does not want to “leave the budget framework” fixed. A deputy from LR confirmed that “discussions are continuing” and moving forward. He said the majority “won’t really give up” on the fuel allowance, but that it would “take another form.”

Therefore, the idea would be to extend the current 18-cent discount on a liter of fuel by increasing it slightly while waiving the fuel allowance for low-income workers and heavy commuters. Companies can also help employees “in a rebate sequencing,” according to one of the sources. As a reminder, the government had already extended the discount on fuel until the end of the summer, then was to gradually replace it with a fuel allowance for low-income workers and heavy commuters. This large wheel allowance was due to be put in place from 1 October.

Prime Minister Macron’s voice

In addition, MPs voted earlier today to continue the “Macron Bonus,” an exceptional tax-free, non-social bonus. After more than six hours of discussions about the interest in bonuses, rather than the wage increase called for by the left, the MPs, by 327 votes to 119, adopted this Article 1 of the main text of the summer in Parliament.

Thus, employers will be able to pay an exceptional bonus until December 31, 2023 with a maximum of 3,000 euros (or 6,000 euros in the case of a profit-sharing agreement), exempt from income tax and social security contributions, for employees who earn less than three times the value of the minimum wage. .

This is an extension of the “Macron bonus”, which was introduced in 2019 during the yellow vest crisis, but with the ceiling of this bonus tripled. According to the government’s impact study, more than 15 million people benefited from this bonus between 2019 and 2022, with an average amount of €542.

The left-wing Nupes coalition believes that “bonuses are an alternative to salaries” and that it depends on the “president’s goodwill” – to which the majority responded that this vision of the company was “from another time”.

Several left-wing elected officials have also repeatedly denounced “the desire to circumvent the financing of Social Security and pension funds” with this bonus. For her part, Marine Le Pen considered that “the rewards are not ideal, but for millions of French people, they are still an increase in their purchasing power.”

The bill also plans to perpetuate the bonus in the private sector, in the form of a “value-sharing bonus.” This will only be exempted from social contributions, up to a maximum of €3,000 (€6,000 in the case of a profit-sharing agreement).

The maximum amount of remuneration and the maximum remuneration to which it can be granted access must be the subject of a company or group agreement or, if this is not possible, a unilateral decision of the employer.

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(with AFP)