
Putting a child in a box for a month as a punishment, his mother finds out about the situation

This is the story of Melody Haller and her son. mother of the family Can only be indignant Discovering the punishment her child was going through in her school. In fact, the little boy was placed in a box for about a month as punishment. Details are in this article.

what happened?

The parents are main resposible From raising a child, do not deny it. However, there are also other people who play a big role in it, such as teachers.

This also has an important place in a child’s life. Especially since at school the person goes much of his childhood. And that is definitely why Melody Haller decided to educate her child That school in Illinois.

Source: YouTube screenshot

This mother has a little boy who means everything to her. In 2016, Melody decided to enroll the child at Al Hamra Elementary School, located in Madison County, Illinois. in time, The little boy was eight years old It was in the CE1 category.

So in the beginning, it was Melody Put all his trust In this institution things changed after three months. The mother of the family, in fact, made Painful discoveryWhich annoyed her so much.

very harsh punishment

In fact, Melody Haller discovered this through her son He was severely punished. The boy was separated from his classmates and placed in a box for a month.

However, the teachers did not inform the mother. you didn’t know That her child was having problems at school. She even called the manager and told her that everything was fine with her son.

After getting angry at her son’s revelation, she decided to visit the school. Once at the facility, Melody asks the authorities to do so see the box in which he put his son. Then officials took her to a gymnasium and Melody discovered the item there.

The mother continued her little investigation, she knew it was the manager himself who severely punished her child.

In addition to this chest, Melody also discovered that Her son has been isolated In the department. In fact, his table was far from the other children and during all the lessons. During this time, we covered it with a box.

Source: Facebook screenshot

Punishment changed the child

On top of all that, Melody Haller was also shocked Another revelation for his son. The latter told him that he had lunch in the principal’s office and had not taken a break several times. According to Melody Haller, the child was forced to clean the water springs and walls.

For this reason, he did not take a regular lunch break. Clearly, these severe penalties had consequences for the child’s studies. If the little boy’s grades less and lessHis attitude toward school has also changed a lot.

His mother said:

“I think it was harmful to my child. His attitude towards school has changed.”

The boy had even told his mother that he wanted to no longer study.

Mom is worried about her son

After visiting Melody Haller, Foundation staff remove the box Where was his son. In fact, many parents have alerted the school district principal. The object was removed as soon as the alert was given.

For her part, Melody Haller agreed to give more details about what happened to her offspring. during an interview. The mother of the family, in fact, revealed to the Fox2 series why her child was being punished. According to her, the enterprise staff imprisoned his son In a box in addition to being isolated. This is because he chatted during the class.

Melody Haller couldn’t help but worry about her son. I condemned these penalties and found them to be so Too harsh. It can also affect a child’s life, she said.

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