
Supplemental Retirement Pension: This is the amount that seniors will receive in addition to November!

On August 18, the law to protect the purchasing power of the French was passed It was published in the Official Gazette. This provision brought several increases, including a 4% increase in the basic pension. As for supplemental pensions, discussions are still ongoing. For Agirc-Arrco, it started on September 13th.

At the time of writing this article, discussions are taking place between employers and unions. Anyway, we will be fixed on October 6th, according to Journalist Julien Bigard. In addition, the latter was invited on the set “19/20”Thursday, September 22nd. The journalist gives us some clarifications regarding the increase. Details here.

Reassessment of supplementary pensions

Remember that Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promised It does not apply to the supplementary pension. Furthermore, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire expressed this:

“It is up to the social partners to raise the level of supplementary pensions. We will increase basic pensions. »

As for the history, we already know thatThere will be no increase before the hour Supplementary pension this year.

Our Parisian colleagues explained that “the social partners running Agirc-Arrco, the supplementary pension for private sector employees, will adhere to the planned schedule, which provides for an increase on November 1”.

You should know that the value of the supplementary pension is every year Adjusted for inflation in French territory. As usual, the revolution interferes with the payment of the month of November.

In addition, discussions are already underway to determine the percentage of revaluation. For retirees at Agirc-Arrco, employers and unions are already meeting Since September 13.

The challenges of this upgrade

From a financial point of view, there is of course the advantage of earning more for it Increase the purchasing power of retirees. On the other hand, there are many. Indeed, this reassessment also plays a role in the political plan of the state.

4% reassessment For basic pensions widens the imbalance between the schemes. This reassessment benefits civil servants much more than retirees in the private sector. The reason is that for all the pensions that civil servants receive every month, 90% They are basic pensions.

However, for former private sector employees, this represents only 70% or even 50% for executive staff. In this regard, Valerie Batini, founder and president of Sapiendo, a retirement company, refers to this favoritism.

The latter was mentioned by our colleagues from Figaro:

“Revaluation due to inflation reminds us again of the differences in treatment between schemes and laws. It widens the gaps between regimes that have a commitment to fiscal balance and others.”

She added that this situation creates “Disputes between the French”. Luckily, Reassessment of supplementary pensions Not for long.

Discussions about Percentage

First of all, let’s point out that 2019 National Professional Agreement Rules for revaluation of supplementary pensions are dictated. This Agreement specifies that the reassessment shall be carried out in accordance with the following:

“The average annual salary of the citizens of the scheme estimated for the current year minus the calculated sustainability factor so that the service value of the point evolves, in practice, at least as much as consumer prices excluding tobacco, so long as the evolution of prices is not greater than wages.”

With this rule in mind, the Technical and Financial Committee of Agirc-Arrco . has proposed 4.8% reassessed. This number is not final. In addition, many union leaders were quick to point out that in addition to last year’s stagnation, more help should be given to former private sector employees.

Pierre Roger of CFE-CGC said:

We have to see to what extent we can slightly exceed the announced numbers while staying in the nails of the system. »

same day, Michel Bogas in Force Overiere Add:

Especially since last year, asked the effort of retirees. »

A few days ago, on the set “19/20”Journalist provide clarification.

The increase should be up to 5%.

We already know that reassessment of supplementary pensions will be effective from november. What we don’t know is the amount of the increase. According to journalist Julian Bigard, on the set of “19/20”Thursday, September 22:

A priori, the increase should be around 5% which is a good surprise, as it is close to the level of inflation. »

According to figures published by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, the level of inflation was last month 5.9% in one year. Here’s what we can read on the INSEE website:

“In August 2022, consumer prices rose 0.5% in one month and 5.9% in one year”

However, again, a 5% revaluation of Supplementary pension It is only a hypothesis, the official figures should be known on October 6, according to Julian Bigard.

Envelope of 4 billion euros for supplementary pension

If we take into account This increase is 5%Social partner Agirc-Arrco must deduct from its reserves the amount of 4 billion euros. Note that the company’s current reserves are estimated at 65 billion euros.

For example, a pensioner who receives 2,000 euros in the retirement pension, including 800 euros in the basic pension and 1,200 euros in the supplementary pension, will get 60€ more per month Only with complement.

If we add the reassessment of basic pensions, it gives A total of 92 euros According to journalist Julian Bigard:

We must add the increase in the platform that all pensioners have benefited from since September: for him, it is 32 euros per month. So if we add the two revaluations, his pension will increase by 92 euros. »

We always welcome their needs in these times of crisis. As for the details, one thing is for sure, We will be fixed in November.

#Supplemental #Retirement #Pension #amount #seniors #receive #addition #November

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