
How many miles per week should I run to lose weight? The figure is surprising.

When giving running tips to beginners, one of the questions they will ask is how many miles to run. Truth be told, whether you’re a beginner or seasoned pro, all-around runners, or those considering taking up running are asking themselves, “How many miles per week should I run?” According to new research, this response is surprisingly low, at least if you want to get the most health benefits from running. How weak? Even the number surprised me!

How many kilometers should I run per week to improve my health?

Based on a review of studies, as little as eight to nine miles a week can have notable health benefits. You read correctly. Running just one kilometer a day five or six days a week, or even three kilometers every other day, can greatly improve your health. That’s less than an hour a week for most people, even beginners, to cardio.

Beef is important to health

A study published in PubMed included at least 500 runners and followed five years to analyze the relationship between running and health, with a focus on cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. What the researchers found was shocking in a good way. Runners who ran five to 10 miles a week weighed less and had a lower risk of obesity than people who ran less than five miles a week or not at all. And that’s not all. Non-runners were more likely to have high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and some types of cancer. This means that this little activity can naturally lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and more.

In addition, the data suggests that there may be a mileage limit, as intense running for more than an hour a day may slightly increase the risk of heart disease, as well as race-related injuries and disabilities. If you are an avid runner and are now wondering if you are running too much, don’t change your routine now. If you want to be faster and more competitive, you can keep increasing your mileage. The key is to know your body, monitor your health, and watch out for common running-related injuries as well as overtraining.

For example, iliac band syndrome is a common injury in runners that results from overtraining and poor form. If you reduce your miles, rest more, and focus on form rather than distance, you can heal and prevent knee pain, which can really get in the way of your workouts. If you start to develop heart complications or cut yourself frequently, this is a sign that you may be running too much and this new research clearly shows that you can still achieve noticeable health benefits by reducing the distance covered.

The other part of the equation is going on

While this information is good news, there is no doubt that simply running will not bring you optimal health. why ? Cardio exercises such as running do not allow your body to burn fat as well as build muscle through resistance training.

This is because while cardio is good for the heart and burns calories during your workout, the fat-burning benefits stop at the end of the race. Conversely, when you build lean muscle, it keeps burning calories and fat all day long, even if you don’t exercise. This is called the afterburn effect.

A study published in the Journal of Exercise Science shows that afterburn is associated with increased metabolism due to the thermic effect of activity, regardless of your current fitness level. Some experts believe this can lead to a 10% increase in daily calorie burn after just 20 minutes of high-intensity exercise. To activate the afterburn effect by increasing your muscle mass, you can incorporate shorter, more intense workouts, such as HIIT sessions and interval training, which is the #1 workout for burning muscle fast.

Final thoughts on running

When considering the question “How many kilometers should I run per week?” It is really surprising to hear that just eight to nine kilometers of running per week can bring an incredible amount of health benefits. But maybe it shouldn’t be such a shock.

With everything we know today about the need to rest between workouts, recover muscles, and not overdo it, the “less is more” movement takes hold. No, this does not necessarily mean doing less exercise. It’s about working out specific muscle groups for less time and doing shorter exercises, rather than changing your routine to incorporate all types of exercises. This means a combination of aerobic exercise, resistance training, and, of course, rest.

Add to that a healthy diet, and you’re on your way to being as fit as possible. So if you’re thinking of running or worried about not racking up the miles, remember this study: Just eight or nine miles of jogging can make a real difference to your appearance and well-being.

* Presse Santé strives to impart health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the opinion of a health professional.

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