
Sweet Love: What’s this flirting game that’s sparking streams on Twitch?

game news Sweet Love: What’s this flirting game that’s sparking streams on Twitch?

More than 10 years after its release, a strange flirtation game appeared on Twitch. You certainly don’t know Amour Sucré, but this western autum has amassed tens of millions of players. We go back to the stage of adolescence with this phenomenon that inflamed teenagers around the world.

Ma Bimbo, Studio Quiz, Equidea… If you’re a teen in the 2000s, these names are surely familiar to you. These browser games have revived evenings and weekends for many young gamers. And if this is your case, you will undoubtedly remember with nostalgia the moments spent answering the arrogant presenter’s questions at Studio Quiz, grooming your favorite horse on Equidea or courting at a nightclub on Ma Bimbo. And since we’re talking about courtship sessions, one of these games made her the heart of her plot and gameplay: Sweet Love. More than ten years after its release, the latter is still available and has made its way onto Twitch. streamers like yield where Ultea You have already spent many hours on this free live dating game. The opportunity for us to return to this French hotel that has deeply affected so many teenage girls.


  • Sweet love is what?
  • otome like others?
  • Lasting love story

Sweet love is what?

Let’s start at the beginning, That is, in March 2011. On this date, young writer Chino Miko, along with Beemov, unveils the browser-based courtship game. We play a young teenage girl (named Sucrette) who has just moved to her childhood city. Since that time, she doesn’t know anyone anymore and thus will have to make new friends at Sweet Amoris High School… and sometimes very close friends. As a courtship game, the principle is really to do everything to entice the person you like, while making friends and surviving the petty attacks of some comrades. Classic high school life is somewhat short.

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

Everything takes the form of an “n” point where the dialogues are of great importance. Depending on the choices you make, you will actually raise or lower your love meter by using the different characters. If the latter is at its lowest, it is impossible to choose. If he’s at his high, I invite you to the prom and first love. It is therefore still necessary to make good choices in dialogues to progress through a pre-written scenario. So you have to be patient. Don’t expect to kiss your loved one until the last months of high school.

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

Especially since the action points system especially plays nerve racks. With each new daily connection, you get some for free. If you’re lucky, it’s possible to redeem a (very) small handful thanks to specific mini-games or rewards. Once you collect these precious points, you can walk around the Sweet Amoris rooms. Then each step costs a few points. But that was before! After the update, it was the lines of dialogue that ended up devouring players’ action points. And since the game is so lengthy, there was reason to be very frustrated. This is where the economic model comes into play as it is possible to purchase action points through the bank.

Now you understand why a free game like this has been around for all these years. Even today, the game is updated with new episodes to discover. It must be said that he was able to form a strong community. 10 million were registered in France and then launched abroad which allowed him to add 55 million players to his prize roster. You may not have heard of this game before, but with numbers like this, it is safe for at least one person around you to play it. But then, why such success?

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

otome like others?

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

First of all, what is otome? Well, it is a type of narrative video game that is mainly intended for young girls. She often plays a young girl, specifically, who is striving to find love, and therefore must flirt with the suitor of her choice. As you can imagine, this is a particularly well-developed species in Japan. Princess Debut, Brother Conflicts, Diabolik Lovers or Amnesia are all examples of nicknames that have delighted young Japanese women and the world. Because if these games were developed by Japanese studios, they were exported abroad. The only problem: they met Asian standards and thus could only reach a niche audience in the West.

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

It was this observation that prompted ChinoMiko to embark on the design of its own automaton, designed more for a Western purpose, a great novelty at the time. Thus, French players were able to discover characters whose style and attitude evoked real people they encountered in high school or college, Which they might have already more or less imagined. The school rocker and his natural spontaneity, the misunderstood artist and his unique way of seeing the world, the student who is kind to everyone, the soft-hearted athlete or girl, charming as much as she is charming, loved by all the world (it’s actually rare to suggest a gay relationship in an otome ) …the icing on the cake: The Minx we love to hate and who remember the ones in teen movies like lolita in spite of me.

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

Add to this the different life segments explored (high school, college, adulthood) and you’ll get a sense of connection to characters who defy all logic. On paper, we must admit that they all correspond to very specific and sometimes very cliched archetypes (bad boy, nerd, nice guy, etc). Then there is the Action Points system that we talked about above that irritated players in the first hour. However, despite all of that, a significant portion of gamers couldn’t help but relaunch Amour Sucré in order to discover the rest of the story of Castiel, Priya, Nathaniel and the others. The characters some have finally grown up with during these eleven years. And in eleven years, it must be said that a lot has happened …

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

Lasting love story

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

If Amour Sucré’s adventure began in high school, La Sucrette’s life continued well after the baccalaureate. Campus life and love of life have greatly expanded the content of this house. And you can add to this the Alternate Life episodes, allowing you to find characters set aside throughout the episodes (Lysander, Armin, Kentin). in all, No less than 79 episodes that make up today’s Amour Sucré adventure, and that’s only if we’re talking about the game. The love adventures of La Sucrette have already been translated into manga. Thus five volumes dealing with the selection system and game characters appeared (plus an unpublished one). cartoon looking pilot if It was made too, but this new adventure was discontinued. Despite everything, this shows the desire to make Amour Sucré more than just a game, and this has allowed many players to continue to be interested in the game.

Amour Sucré is more than an otome, it is a community. The game forums have allowed many players to share their experiences and lives. It is also through this that the creator of the game was able to introduce herself and share it with her fans. In the small world of Amour Sucré, ChinoMiko is someone. So much so that some players have followed him on new adventures on Eldarya, another otome. ChinoMiko isn’t the only one gravitating around the Sweet Love field. Many creators have continued to bring this flirtation game to life on Youtube (Tibodobudu, torment…). Today, the title has even crept into the valleys of Twitch through the front door by sliding onto the stream of some of France’s biggest streamers, a yield And the Ultea. An opportunity for new players to discover the world and the community of Amour Sucré, who, surprisingly, doesn’t seem to be about to die, despite the years.

Sweet Love: What's this flirting game that's sparking streams on Twitch?

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