
“We will never be friends with you,” Melenchon dryly answered Cyril Hannon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon admitted that elected officials in his party took advantage of Cyril Hanoune's platform
Twitter screenshot Jean-Luc Mélenchon admitted that elected officials in his party had taken advantage of Cyril Hanoune’s platform to “carry their word”.

Twitter screenshot

Jean-Luc Mélenchon admitted that elected officials in his party had taken advantage of Cyril Hanoune’s platform to “carry their word”.

Politics – New response from Insoumis leader. After the violent passing of arms between Cyril Hanouna and Louis Poyard, the deputy of France Insoumise on November 10 on the set of Don’t touch my TVJean-Luc Mélenchon is back in this highly publicized clash with the presenter of C8.

In a video posted to his YouTube channel on Thursday, November 17, the former 2022 presidential candidate spoke directly to Cyril Hannon to respond in turn to this sequence. Two and a half hours to demolish the vice .” Do you know why I came to your program, Mr. Hanoun? Because I was told: ‘This guy gives you the chance to talk and talk to everybody. That’s why I came here LFI founder begins.

You have given 52% of your time to the far right. So when we come to you, we know we’ve stormed into a pro-far-right, orchestrated and artificial far-right group. Says Jean-Luc Mélenchon in response to statements by Cyril Hanoune. He accused the show’s star presenter Louis Boyard of taking advantage of the TPMP for several months, when he worked there as a columnist, to create notoriety and make his last visit” trick “.

no one ” sympathy »

If you imagine that people come to see you out of sympathy for you, I’d rather tell you that you’re wrong. I have no sympathy for you or any such professional. You’re showrunners and we’re sneaking into your shows to carry our word. Just as we do at the exit from the subway, on the street, on the soap box, at the megaphone, at the factory door … We go wherever we carry our word ”is the content Jean-Luc Mélenchon adds, speaking directly to the camera.

We are not your buddies, and we never will be. “, still devoid of the former deputy of Bouches du Rhône. A stinging response does not prevent Jean-Luc Mélenchon from making sure that ” friends They will continue to make their way to the TPMP group.

Louis Poyard made the right choice.

In this video, the head of the Insoumis team dedicates nearly 6 minutes to Cyril Hannon and Louis Boyard. An opportunity to publicly criticize the TPMP Provider for its methods.

” againstHanunun Yarel, would you blame someone for splashing water? You spend your life on this “, declares, after that particularly tense exchange that took place on November 10, and which has since led to two complaints, brought by the two protagonists of the sequence, as well as the opening of a punitive action by the French public authority for the regulation of audiovisual and digital communications (Arcom which is the successor of the CSA ).

You who spend your life doing stunts (…) below the moral limit, are you the ones who will blame others for coming out there doing stunts? », Adds Jean-Luc Mélenchon who also believes the rebel deputy Louis Boyard ” Make the right decision during his final appearance on C8. I remind you that Louis Boyard is not “The Young Man” by Cyril Hannon. A representative of the French people who elected him “.

While exchanging the origin of the recalcitrant president’s strong reaction to the video, the recalcitrant elected official left Cyril Hanouna’s group abruptly after criticizing Vincent Bolloré, owner of C8 channel. He then attacked the show, accusing it of a role in the rise of racism in France and the far-right media coverage. What angered Cyril Hanouneh, and then insulted the Nubian representative.” Foolish “based on” helpless “, Before ” to regret His remarks after the show.

See also on Huff Post:

#friends #Melenchon #dryly #answered #Cyril #Hannon

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