
Vaimalama Chaves: Former Miss France’s Fort Boyard stance is controversial

The passage of Vaimalama Chaves, which passes through Fort Boyard on Saturday, August 20, has angered viewers. The position of the former Miss France in the France 2 edition was heavily criticized.

Vaimalama Chaves will long remember their time at Fort Boyard. And not just for the right reasons… This Saturday, August 20, the former Miss France returns to Father Firas’ den to team up with Mesmer, Moussa Nyanjan, Caroline Margardon, Philippe Caveriver and Edgar Yves. But for them, not everything went as planned because they had a lot of trouble winning events… Throughout the adventures to win the keys and then the clues, the team led by the hypnotist was stubborn. And the The behavior of some did not please viewers at all. Starting with Vaimalama Chaves, who has been widely criticized on social networks. the reason ? The former beauty queen couldn’t get over her phobia to present two clues to her team.

In fact, during the last adventure and seeing that the team was in poor shape, Father Firas offered the Vaimalama Chaves to take a dollhouse test to win not just one, but two clues. Due to her extreme fear of spiders and scorpions present in large numbers in this room, the young woman refused. “Choice, it’s not Cornelius. It’s not.”She immediately responded to Olivier Main. And when the host reminded her of the feature she had just turned down, she added: “Not my problem, she’s dead”. A position that did not satisfy the believers of Fort Boyard. “This girl is a disgrace! She goes to Fort Boyard for an association. The principle is to overcome your fears! It doesn’t mean you don’t care about not taking a test out of fear only. Stay home in that case!”in particular by the user.

Vaimalama Chaves “The Hate”: “Doesn’t have to come!”

“Shocking and disgusting response and tone of Miss France! Her teammates, the Fort Boyard team and especially the leaders of the La Vita Association would appreciate her disdainful attitude! Any candidate has the right to give up but not with ‘It’s not my problem’!!”regret another. “She’s hateful, I’ve never seen that before, she does what she wants, she doesn’t care, she shouldn’t come, it’s a shame”And the “I understand the concerns but you all seem to be in a relaxed state tonight…what a joke that you are not on your toes and Vaimalama Chaves say no even to clues when they are in bad shape….”, “Loved Vaimalama. Even tonight. For the assembly, Make concessions and give yourself a little courage.” It can also be read. Note that the former Miss France, who won several events, did not respond to the controversy.

© France 2

2/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
On Saturday, August 20, the former Miss France returns to Father Firas’ den to team up with Mesmer, Moussa Nyanjan, Caroline Margardon, Philippe Caveriver and Edgar Yves.

© France 2

3/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
During the adventures to win the keys and then the clues, the team led by the hypnotist encounters. And the behavior of some did not satisfy the viewers at all.

© France 2

4/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
Starting with Vaimalama Chaves, which has been widely criticized on social networks

© France 2

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Faimalama Chaves
the reason ? The former beauty queen couldn’t get over her phobia to present two clues to her team

© France 2

6/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
Indeed, during the last adventure and seeing that the team was in poor shape, Father Firas suggested to the Vaimalama Chaves that they try a doll house test to win not just one, but two.

© France 2

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Faimalama Chaves
Due to her extreme fear of spiders and scorpions present in large numbers in this room, the young woman refused

© France 2

8/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
“Choice, not Cornelian. It’s no,” she immediately replied to Olivier Main

© France 2

9/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
And when the announcer reminded her of the benefit she had just said no to, she added, “That’s not my problem, she’s dead.”

© France 2

10/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
A situation that did not satisfy the believers of Fort Boyard

© France 2

11/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
“This girl is a disgrace! She goes to Fort Boyard for an association. The principle is to overcome your fears! It doesn’t mean you don’t care about not taking a test out of fear only. Stay home in that case!”

© France 2

12/12 –

Faimalama Chaves
“Shocking and disgusting response and tone of Miss France! Her teammates, the Fort Boyard team and especially the leaders of the La Vita Association would appreciate her disdainful attitude! Any candidate has the right to give up but not with ‘It’s not my problem’!!”

#Vaimalama #Chaves #Frances #Fort #Boyard #stance #controversial

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