What to Study to Become an Entrepreneur?

What to Study to Become an Entrepreneur?





If you want to become an entrepreneur, you may wonder, “what to study to become an entrepreneur”. The skills needed to successfully start and run a business can be obtained through education and experience. Here is a detailed guide on what to study to become an entrepreneur:

Formal Education

Getting a college degree is not required to become an entrepreneur, but it can provide a solid base of business knowledge. Here are some of the best degrees to consider:

Business Administration

A general business administration degree covers a wide range of topics like management, human resources, marketing, accounting, finance, operations, and more. This allows you to get a well-rounded overview of core business principles. Business administration is one of the top degrees entrepreneurs pursue if asking “what to study to become an entrepreneur”.


For those specifically wanting to launch their own company, entrepreneurship degrees and certificates directly teach you how to start, run, and grow a new venture. Coursework covers writing business plans, getting funding, product development, growth strategies, and managing innovations. This is one of the most specialized programs for what to study to become an entrepreneur.


Getting a masters degree like an MBA allows you to dive deeper into advanced business topics. An MBA builds on undergraduate business education and takes your management knowledge to the next level. The advanced coursework prepares you for senior leadership roles and running a company. An MBA is a common choice for aspiring entrepreneurs wondering what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Key Subjects to Master

In addition to formal degrees, there are essential subjects that all entrepreneurs need working knowledge of:


You must understand marketing basics like how to segment customers, position products, determine pricing, promote services, and analyze campaigns. Take courses in marketing fundamentals, consumer behavior, digital marketing, social media marketing, SEO, and public relations. Marketing is critical when evaluating what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Accounting and Finance

Gain skills in financial literacy, budgeting, cash flow, financial statements, managerial accounting, and capital planning. Every entrepreneur needs to understand money management. Accounting and finance are central to what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Leadership and Management

Running a team and managing people are crucial abilities. Study topics like organizational behavior, human resources, team building, conflict resolution, and leadership fundamentals. Management is an important consideration for what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Business Law and Ethics

Understand legal structures, trademark and patent regulations, labor laws, contracts, product liability, and other business regulations. Take courses in business law, ethics, and risk management. This protects your company and is key to what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Essential Skills to Develop

Academic knowledge provides a base, but certain applied skills are equally important:

Communication Skills

From writing business plans to selling your vision to investors, strong communication skills are indispensable. Take classes in writing, public speaking, presentations, and interpersonal communication. This is a vital skillset often overlooked when evaluating what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Technology Skills

Knowing the latest software, web platforms, and management systems helps startups operate efficiently. Learn productivity software, CRM tools, ecommerce systems, and data analytics. Technology expertise gives startups an edge, making it important for what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Research and Analysis

Do market research, analyze your industry landscape, evaluate competitors, identify customer pain points, and perform prototyping and testing. Strong research skills help launch innovative and differentiated products, which is central to what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Critical Thinking

You’ll need to make tough decisions in ambiguous situations with limited time and resources. Develop critical thinking skills to master strategic planning and problem solving. This type of flexibility is an often underrated consideration for what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Resilience and Grit

Entrepreneurs inevitably face obstacles, so mental toughness is crucial. Build resilience through adapting to challenges, learning from failures, and quickly recovering from setbacks. Strength of character is an inner quality beyond academic programs for what to study to become an entrepreneur.

Recommended Electives

Supplement your core business curriculum with these additional courses:

  • Innovation and Design – Learn design thinking frameworks to create compelling new products.
  • Project Management – Develop skills to oversee complex initiatives with moving parts.
  • Economics – Understand the economic factors that affect businesses of all sizes.
  • Psychology or Sociology – Study human behavior, motivation, and decision making.
  • Data Analysis – Gain skills in data mining, metrics, and business intelligence.
  • Writing and Composition – Improve your business writing and storytelling abilities.
  • Public Speaking – Get experience presenting in front of audiences.
  • Web Design/Development – Build expertise in website creation and digital platforms.

Gaining Real-World Experience

Classroom learning gives you a foundation. To apply your education, gain hands-on experience:

  • Join an entrepreneurship club on campus
  • Participate in business plan competitions
  • Complete internships at startups and small companies
  • Work at a small business or startup
  • Volunteer with entrepreneur mentorship programs
  • Attend conferences, workshops, and networking events
  • Join your local startup community and entrepreneur meetup groups
  • Launch a small business or campus side project

Lifelong Learning

Education does not stop once you finish your degree. To stay sharp, continually learn:

  • Take additional online classes and seminars
  • Join mastermind groups to discuss ideas with other entrepreneurs
  • Read books and blogs from today’s leading founders
  • Listen to educational business podcasts
  • Follow industry thought leaders on social media
  • Attend conferences and events in your field

By continually studying relevant subjects, gaining hands-on experience, and constantly educating yourself, you will develop the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities to launch and grow a successful startup venture. There is no one program that fully prepares you for entrepreneurship – it requires a commitment to lifelong learning. If asking “what to study to become an entrepreneur”, be open to knowledge across many disciplines and never stop striving to improve. Your entrepreneurship education journey will empower you to turn ideas into thriving businesses.


[1] Geron, T. (2013, May 15). 6 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomiogeron/2013/05/15/6-skills-every-entrepreneur-should-have/?sh=228bf9fa6722

[2] How to Become an Entrepreneur: A Useful Guide. (2022, June 28). Indeed Career Guide. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-become-entrepreneur

[3] Mac, R. (2021, May 13). 9 Skills You Should Learn to Become an Entrepreneur. Indeed Career Guide. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/skills-to-become-an-entrepreneur

[4] Entrepreneurship Training: Developing the Skills That Can Make a Difference. (2021, August 30). BizMove. https://www.bizmove.com/business/m3g.htm

[5] Price, C. (2022, August 2). How to Learn the Skills to Become an Entrepreneur. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/101414/how-learn-skills-become-entrepreneur.asp


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