
Top 5 healthy fish to eat with peace of mind.

Fish is a real source of lean and healthy proteins. While fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel, provide heart- and brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which you’ve probably heard of.

But there is also a concern for the environment and the selection of sustainable seafood products. If you often find yourself in front of the fish counter, a little puzzled: What is good for me and the environment? We’ve done some research to select the healthiest fish to eat in terms of sustainability, mercury content, and nutritional benefits. But first, let’s mention the health benefits of eating fish.

The enormous health benefits of fish.

Research indicates that regular consumption of fish can reduce the risk of various diseases and disorders. Here are some sample results:

asthma Children who eat fish are less likely to develop asthma.

brain Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids may support healthy brain tissue.

Cardiovascular disease Eating at least two servings of fish per week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It ensures a reduction in the formation of blood clots and inflammation, an improvement in the elasticity of blood vessels, a decrease in blood pressure and triglycerides in the blood, and, finally, an increase in “good” cholesterol.

mental illness Older adults who eat fish at least once a week may be less likely to develop dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

diabetic Fish can help diabetics control their blood sugar levels.

the look Breastfeeding women who eat fish have better eyesight, possibly thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fish two or more times a week is associated with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.

inflammatory conditions : Regular consumption of fish can relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and autoimmune diseases.

Premature birth Eating fish during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of preterm labor.

Top 5 healthy fish to eat.

  1. Atlantic mackerel.

This fast-growing species means that it is easily re-introduced and tolerates large hunting volumes. The fishing gear used to catch mackerel species is effective and unlikely to cause significant habitat destruction. This is another reason why this fish is an ocean-friendly option. This bold-tasting fish is rich in heart-healthy omega-3s, a good source of protein (20g per 80g fillet), and pairs well with bold seasoning.

  1. Wild salmon (including canned).

Wild salmon is low in contaminants, especially lead and mercury. Buying canned salmon is also an affordable way to incorporate this healthy seafood into your diet. Canned salmon is not only an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, it is also one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium. An 80g serving covers 18% of your daily needs. Canned wild salmon is usually red or pink salmon. But you have to check the label to be sure.

  1. Wild sardines (including canned).

Inexpensive little sardines are a superfood on many menus. It contains approximately 1,200 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per serving and is one of the few foods naturally rich in vitamin D. Sardines belong to the same family as many fish such as herring and sprats. In addition, it is one of the few foods that are naturally rich in calcium. With 33% of the daily intake needed per serving.

  1. rainbow trout (and some types of lakes).

Trout ranks behind canned pink salmon when it comes to its omega-3 content. It is a good source of potassium, selenium, and vitamin B6. With more than a day’s supply of vitamin B12, trout is a great alternative when sourced from the right places.

  1. salted fish.

Herring is a staple in the Scandinavian diet, and for good reason. The content of omega-3 is higher than that of sardines, trout and mackerel. It is also an excellent source of vitamin D and selenium. You’ll usually find canned, pickled, or smoked herring on restaurant menus, but it can also be eaten fresh.


It can be difficult to determine which fish is healthiest for you and the environment. To make it easier for you, we have picked the top 5 healthy fish for you and the environment. By following this list, you can enjoy your fish dish knowing that you are doing your part to protect our planet.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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