
Do you know the difference between green, red, yellow and orange peppers? The details that change everything

The star of the summer vegetable, widely used in the world of gastronomy, pepper is present in many recipes, ranging from light salads to hearty stews. Very tasty and full of vitamins, it is full of antioxidants that fight free radicals. Since there are several colors, each person may have his preference: red, green, yellow or orange. But, by the way, is there any special distinction between the properties of these peppers? Will the color have an effect on the taste, texture and nutritional qualities of each pepper? There are, in fact, little details you should know!

Regardless of the color of pepper, it comes from the same plant. It is a variety of sweet pepper of the plant species “Capsicum annual”. However, they have different flavors, nutritional benefits, and prices. We will shed more light on these color differences to better understand the value of this vegetable, which is also a fruit, botanically speaking, just like avocado or tomato.

Does pepper color have an effect on texture or flavor?

pepper on a plate

Pepper on a plate – Source: spm

According to Marie Socco, a specialist in Mexican gastronomy, peppers come from the same plant, regardless of their color. This difference in color stems from maturity: for example, green peppers are the least ripe, while red peppers are considered the most ripe.

In general, green peppers are harvested first. Unlike others, they require less time and care. Other types of pepper need more resources to ripen, which is the reason for their high price. Note that the ripening of these vegetables also gives them a different flavor. The younger it is, the more bitter it is, while over time it becomes sweeter and tastier.

According to the specialist, each type of pepper has different nutritional benefits. Greens contain an abundant amount of chlorophyll, while yellow is full of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, the yellow-orange pigments that improve visual acuity and protect the eyes from blue light. Orange peppers are very rich in alpha beta and gamma carotenoids.

The red pepper is the star of the pepper. And for good reason, it’s packed with important nutrients: its fiber and vitamin C content is pretty great, enough to fight fatigue. In addition to the prevention of certain diseases and the fight against others, red pepper is widely used in the kitchen to prepare many dishes. It also contains lycopene and astaxanthin, two essential antioxidants that give it its distinctive red color and help the body protect itself from cardiovascular disease.

Pepper in the fridge

Pepper in the fridge – Source: spm

You can safely store them in the refrigerator, this will allow you to prevent them from rotting in the open air. With proper refrigeration, healthy peppers, regardless of type, can last 3-5 days in the refrigerator.

Do you want to store peppers in the freezer? In this case, you have different options:

  • Place all of the peppers in an airtight plastic container that you will place in the freezer.
  • Use a special bag to freeze food.
  • Cut it into small amounts and wrap it in plastic film before placing it in the container or bag to put in the freezer. This option is very practical: This way, you will only melt the amount that you will need for your recipe.

Read also What do the letters CE mean on the back of your phone? They provide very important information.

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