Here's how to make a mosquito trap that works perfectly

Here’s how to make a mosquito trap that works perfectly

Mosquitoes invade homes in the summer. With their sudden stinging and buzzing, they disturb your sleep and prevent you from enjoying quiet moonlit evenings in your garden. Fortunately, there is a safe and effective solution to capture them in no time. Here are the main steps to follow to make a scary trap.

Mosquitoes attract foul odors and also release carbon dioxide associated with breathing or sweating, constantly enveloping themselves in the bedroom. Learn how to make a simple and easy mosquito trap.

You can significantly reduce the presence of mosquitoes in your home by using everyday things. The latter allows you to make a scary trap for mosquitoes in no time. Follow the guide.

Make a mosquito trap from a simple plastic bottle

plastic bottle

plastic bottle. Source: spm

Unlike mosquito repellent lamp, this mosquito trap is economical and easy to make. All you need is a simple plastic bottle and the following ingredients:

– 300 ml water

– 4 tablespoons of sugar

1 gram of baker’s yeast

– scotch tape

Start by drawing a circle around the bottle so that the bottom of the bottle is larger than the top, then cut the bottle in half. Then pour sugar at the bottom of the bottle. In a saucepan, heat the water and then pour it over the previous ingredient. Leave to cool for twenty minutes before adding yeast. this mixture promptly produced Carbon dioxide that attracts mosquitoes. Then remove the cap from the bottle and insert the top of the bottle upside down into the area filled with this mixture. Complete your step by securing the edges with masking tape. Finally, place the trap in your bedroom or other mosquito-infested area. These will sneak in but won’t be able to get out anymore. Sugar can be replaced with fruit, honey or sweet juice.

Other tips to fight mosquitoes

Like the plastic bottle, other means can be used to reduce the spread of mosquitoes in the home. Here are some proven examples that will save you from using toxic products.

Keep mosquitoes away from essential oils

Insect repellent based on essential oils

Insect repellent based on essential oils. Source: spm

One natural remedy that effectively avoids mosquitoes is lemongrass and eucalyptus essential oil. An effective repellent prevents these flying insects from getting close to the house for a while. It is possible to soak a tissue with fifteen drops of it Producer And drop it where you feel the presence of mosquitoes. You can also dilute this essential oil in a little water and spray the solution indoors or in your room using a spray bottle. Thyme and lemon oil or basil essential oil are very effective. Mix just four drops with a teaspoon of olive oil, and you’re done!

Plant cloves in an orange to repel mosquitoes

Another basic tip to scare away mosquitoes is to prick an orange or other citrus fruit with a dozen cloves. Then put the orange halves in cups and place them in different places around the house. This natural insecticide works perfectly. For prolonged effectiveness, this process should be repeated every two days.

Make yourself a citronella candle to keep mosquitoes away

citronella candle

Citronella candle. Source: spm

Unlike some harmful repellents, this solution that repels insects like mosquitoes is natural and free of chemical ingredients. Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make a mosquito repellent candle.

– 150 grams of wax chips

25 drops of lemongrass essential oil

– 1 empty 245 ml jar

– 1 wick or kitchen twine

Begin by heating the wax in a water bath before adding lemongrass essential oil. Then place the wick at the bottom of the jar by pouring a drop of wax to stick it inside. Fix it upright using a support, pour the mixture and leave to cool. Once lit, this candle will scare away mosquitoes while spreading a pleasant scent in the room.

The plastic bottle trap is easy to make and is a safe and effective solution to catching these pesky insects. Other tips based on 100% natural remedies are effective alternatives to repelling mosquitoes. To be tested without delay.

Read also How do you keep mosquitoes away naturally? You won’t see them anymore

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