
Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses, False Rumors and Dosage

Perhaps you have a friend who insists on taking apple cider vinegar doses in the morning to burn fat. Or you may have seen apple cider vinegar drinks in the refrigerated section of your organic store. As this pantry staple grows in popularity, you’re probably wondering what’s going on.

What exactly is apple cider vinegar?

First, let’s see what exactly apple cider vinegar, or apple cider vinegar, is. Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. Like other apple cider vinegars, it has 5-6% acidity.

You may notice that there are different types of apple cider vinegar available in stores. For example, you may be more familiar with distilled apple cider vinegar, which appears transparent in the bottle. But raw, unfiltered, or unpasteurized vinegar contains a turbid substance that floats in the mixture. This is called the “mother”, which is made up of natural enzymes during fermentation. Don’t be alarmed: This stringy substance usually rests at the bottom of the bottle and is safe to drink.
Regardless of the variety, potato juice vinegar does not need to be refrigerated, and it keeps for a very long time. Vinegar, in general, has an almost indefinite shelf life. Even if the vinegar’s appearance has changed (it might be more opaque, for example), you can still use it.

Nutritionally, diluted apple cider vinegar contains a minimal amount of calories per serving, and almost no fat, carbs, protein, and no fiber. Diluted apple cider vinegar is a great way to add flavor to foods without adding calories or salt. Apple cider vinegar is not only available in liquid form; You can also buy apple cider vinegar tablets, capsules, and gum. However, keep in mind that apple cider vinegar supplements are not as effective as liquid apple cider vinegar and will likely be more expensive.

What are the potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has gained super nutritional status, and its followers claim that it can treat almost any ailment: weight gain, digestive issues, skin problems, and more. Meanwhile, some companies promote apple cider vinegar pills as a powerful source of vitamins and minerals, or to aid weight loss or “cleanse.”

Few studies support these uses, so while you can add apple cider vinegar to your diet without significantly increasing your risk of weight gain, it’s best to be realistic about it. Perhaps the main health benefits of apple cider vinegar are due to the amount of antioxidant polyphenols (or phytochemicals) it contains, thanks to the fermentation process. They are also rich in probiotics, which may benefit the digestive system and gut microbiome.

Apple cider vinegar and weight loss

Apple cider vinegar is very low in calories, so it can fit into your diet if you are trying to lose or maintain weight. But you may also have heard that some people take a dose or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to increase fat burning. In fact, taking apple cider vinegar is unlikely to change your body composition or weight. This idea is not supported by scientific data and that the only way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet and incorporate physical activity into your routine. This tip is a lot less flashy than trendy supplements like apple cider vinegar, but it’s exactly what really works.

Apple cider vinegar and high cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar may benefit high blood cholesterol in certain groups. For example, a meta-analysis of nine studies conducted in June 2021 found that apple cider vinegar could lower cholesterol levels in participants with type 2 diabetes who took 15 ml of apple cider vinegar. weeks. However, the researchers note that more studies are needed to confirm this effect.

VCA and type 2 diabetes

Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar may benefit people with type 2 diabetes, although high-quality research on this topic is lacking. A June 2021 meta-analysis found that 15ml of apple cider vinegar, taken daily for at least eight weeks, significantly reduced fasting blood sugar in participants with type 2 diabetes.

But the research is not uniform. A previous small study showed that 20ml of apple cider vinegar did not reduce the body’s blood sugar response after eating a carbohydrate-rich meal. Although some studies have suggested that potato juice vinegar may help lower blood sugar, it is important to remember that results may vary and that potato juice vinegar is not a substitute for medications you may be taking. If you have type 2 diabetes, you should work closely with your health care team to find the best way to control your condition, rather than relying on apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar and ulcerative colitis

Taking diluted vinegar may help improve digestion, although research is lacking to support its use in chronic autoimmune conditions such as ulcerative colitis (UC). According to a preliminary study, giving diluted apple cider vinegar to mice with ulcerative colitis for a month reduces inflammation levels in the colon and increases the amount of healthy bacteria in their gut. However, this was only one animal study, and the researchers fall far short of recommending the use of vinegar as a treatment.

Apple cider vinegar and infections

Some people suggest taking apple cider vinegar as a treatment to manage symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). One explanation is that vinegar can reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. However, there are no studies that directly explore potato juice vinegar as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, MS, or AS. If you have any of these conditions, talk to your doctor before trying potato juice vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar and skin problems

Applying potato juice vinegar topically may have limited benefit for various skin conditions. But experts caution against applying undiluted vinegar directly to the skin, as this practice can cause chemical burns. Even diluted apple cider vinegar can irritate the skin.


Although there is little or no scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar is useful in treating eczema, it is possible that applying apple cider vinegar to the skin can help restore the skin’s natural pH barrier, thanks to the natural acidity of apple cider vinegar.


If you have scalp psoriasis, applying organic apple cider vinegar to the affected area may help relieve itching caused by scaly patches, a common symptom associated with this autoimmune disease. There are some considerations to make before using it: Use diluted vinegar to reduce the risk of burning, and don’t apply vinegar to the area of ​​cracked or bleeding skin.

When is using apple cider vinegar to treat a disease risky?

Apple cider vinegar isn’t a cure-all for everyone, and there are no studies to support claims about its disease-fighting abilities. For example, there is no evidence that apple cider vinegar lowers high blood pressure or hypertension.

There is also an unsubstantiated claim that apple cider vinegar can support the treatment of schizophrenia. Although the role of the gut microbiome in mental disorders is beginning to be understood, it is difficult to assume that apple cider vinegar can improve gut health in a way that can have a direct impact on symptoms. Alternatively, these claims may relate to research into the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar in relieving gastrointestinal disturbances sometimes caused by medications used to treat schizophrenia.

Another rumor on the Internet says that vinegar can help treat cancer. If you have cancer, see a doctor for treatment. So far, no studies have proven a direct link between apple cider vinegar and the successful treatment of any cancer.

dose of apple cider vinegar

There is no universally accepted dose of apple cider vinegar, and suggestions about the amount vary depending on who you ask.
Harvard Health Publishing notes that most recommendations for consuming diluted apple cider vinegar are 1-2 teaspoons before or during meals. On the other hand, the University of Washington recommends that if you take apple cider vinegar as a supplement (by the spoon), you should stick to a limit of 1 to 2 tablespoons at a time. As noted, the ingredient is also used in topical creams and can come in tablet form; Check the packaging for the dosage.

Regardless of the method of administration or quantity, there is no guarantee that apple cider vinegar will have beneficial effects on health or weight loss. In other words, more research is needed.

A final word on using apple cider vinegar

You can use apple cider vinegar on other ingredients besides salads. This ingredient can help you control your blood sugar and can be part of a healthy diet. It is also very useful around the house for many cleaning tasks. But don’t just count on it as a magic bullet for weight loss or for treating chronic health conditions.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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