girl or boy? Unmistakable signs during pregnancy

girl or boy? Unmistakable signs during pregnancy

Are you expecting a happy event and can’t wait to see if you will welcome a little boy or a little girl? It is possible to find out the gender of the future baby before the ultrasound in the second trimester by knowing how to interpret the signs.

Pregnant woman, boy or girl

When the result confirms that you are pregnant with pregnancy test It looks like an explosion emotions. boy or girl? You are already making plans on the culprit regarding the decoration of the baby’s room, the little clothes to buy, the first name to choose … future parents I can’t wait to find out what baby gender. Unfortunately, in order for there to be confirmation, it will be necessary to wait for the ultrasound in the second trimester. In other words…a good long time. However, for the most impatient, some signs make it possible to guess the gender of the child. A short summary of all the tips to become unbeatable.

How do you know the gender of the child?

Most couples who want to become parents do not hesitate to continue Tips for having a boy or a girl. In fact, some sexual positions Allow, according to specialists, to give birth to a boy instead of a girl or vice versa. Practicing love on the nights of the full moon, for example, makes it possible to have a son and so on… and so on after you have followed Tips to get pregnant quicklyIt’s time to consider the gender of the baby.

When a woman is pregnant and the pregnancy is going well, there are three dates Ultrasound to make. The first during the first trimester, the second during the second trimester, between the eighteenth and twenty-second weeks of pregnancy and the last between the twenty-eighth week of pregnancye and 30e week. It’s time second echo That the gender of the newborn can be revealed at the request of the parents. Fortunately, daily markings allow you to get an idea of ​​the gender of the baby that is coming. Here are a few.

morning sickness

It is often mistakenly believed that all women are susceptible to morning sickness when they are pregnant. In fact, some of them completely survive and live their pregnancies as if nothing had happened. Thus, it appears that when morning sickness is particularly violent, the mother is pregnant with a girl. When, on the contrary, you do not feel No disturbance in the morningHe’ll be a little boy.

belly shape

During pregnancy, the belly does turn, and for most people, it’s not really an out-of-the-ordinary shape. However, if you pay close attention, the abdomen can develop differently depending on whether you anticipate an infection. Boy or a girl. Thus, if the belly is high and pointed, then you are waiting for a boy. On the other hand, if it is low and round, then most likely you are expecting a baby girl.

Cravings for food

During pregnancy, the diet From the pregnant woman undergoes a change. for good fetus, but also for the future mother, some foods should be reduced or even banned. Already there List of prohibited foods that allow you to have a peaceful pregnancy From pregnancy to birth.

However, despite the taboos, food cravings are a harsh reality. There are even some of the most surprising and inexplicable ones. To make sure that you are pregnant with a boy or a girl, it will be necessary to pay attention to this. In general, if you have Sugar cravingsGet ready to welcome a young lady. On the other hand, if a file Cravings are more of the salty kind or directed Dairy productsThe good man is expected.

breast shape

During pregnancy, the shape of the mother’s breast is also an indicator of the gender of the fetus. usually chest size From a woman it increases by about 8 cm when it comes to a girl. For boys, the mother takes only 5-5 cm. However, there is another sign related to the chest that makes it possible Determine the gender of the child in advance. Indeed, if the left breast is more round and voluminous than the right, then this is an announcement of the girl’s pregnancy. In the opposite case, the boy is announced. The nipples It’s also darker when the boy is getting ready.

Marks on the father

It can often happen that while their partner is pregnant, men are also present Pregnancy symptoms. This is called brood. This is a phenomenon that is still unknown, but nevertheless very real. The soon-to-be dad suffers from morning sickness, weight gain in the stomach, lower back pain, mood swings, and even food cravings.

couvade is Psychophysical and hormonal reaction which is manifested by a Low in testosterone. When a man gains a lot of weight during pregnancy, this is a sign that his wife is waiting for a girl. Otherwise, he looks like a boy getting ready behind the scenes.

Facial skin quality

Facial skin quality

Girls are less tolerant of their mothers than boys. In fact, when a pregnant woman is expecting a baby, the texture of her skin will change dramatically. Acne may occur, but the most obvious thing are signs of fatigue. It is often said that girls monopolize the beauty of the mother, while boys make the future mother sparkle.

Baby’s heartbeat

During pregnancy, the baby’s heart rate is an indicator of the gender of the future baby. when it exceeds 140 bpm-You’re dealing with a little guy. On the contrary, when the heart of the fetus beats slower, it is the girl who will be born.

black line

This line from the pubis to the sternum is one of the signs that can determine the sex of the child without ultrasound. It is caused by an increase in the level of the hormone present in the placenta Melanotropic. Thus, if the line is very distinct, becomes darker and goes beyond the navel, then this is a sign that the woman is pregnant with a girl. When Linea nigra stops a little earlier, the boy is in the tummy.

pregnant woman mood

We often hear that pregnant women have Mood Swings. This explains it hormone who had been in an effusion throughout pregnancy. However, it can also indicate whether a woman is pregnant with a boy or a girl. When a woman is pregnant with a baby girl, she will be so On the edge of the abyss found irritable. On the contrary, when you expect a little man, it is much more than that joyful And the Attractive.

hair and hair

Hormones make life difficult for a woman during pregnancy. It is not uncommon for hair loss to speak. This is also a sign that lets you know if you are expecting a boy or a girl. In fact, it seems that when there is a file loss of volume or a hair coloringSo, the girl is responsible. Likewise when a file fur Growing at a speed you never imagined, expect to welcome a young man!

fetal movements

In their mother’s womb, babies seem to have their own little one already sharpness. And according to many testimonies and findings, when the fetus is calm and wise in the picture, it is a girl. On the other hand, when the unborn child kicks in all directions and is constantly agitated, this is a sign that he is a boy.

The sexual desire of the future mother

First of all, it should be noted that sex during pregnancy It does not pose any danger to the fetus or the mother. Unless there is Contraindications from the doctorThere is no risk in adopting the right attitudes. To determine the sex of the child, we can therefore rely on the wishes of the future mother. if it was Sexual desire is increased And at her peak, she’s a girl. However, most often when Sexual desire flows with daisiesHe is responsible for that boy.

urine color

When a woman is pregnant with a boy, the color of the urine appears to be light yellow. So all you have to do is check this out in the morning when you wake up.

See also: How to prevent pregnancy stretch marks?

Grandma’s recipes to guess the gender of the fetus

In addition to the signs that make it possible to guess the gender of the child beforeUltrasound in the second trimester, there Grandma Tricks. In fact, it is possible to perform certain tests to find out the sex of the fetus.

pendulum method

This way to find out the gender of the baby, all you need is a pendulum and put it over your hand. If it moves clockwise, it announces the arrival of the girl. On the contrary, if the movements are linear, then this indicates the birth of a boy.

Children’s instincts

Children's intuition

“The truth comes out of children’s mouths” We often hear. According to a centuries-old legend, when a child puts his hands on the stomach of a pregnant woman, he will be able to tell if she is expecting a boy or a girl. All that remains is to ask him the question.

calculation method

To find out whether you are expecting a boy or a girl, you can rely on the calculation method. To do this, you will take your age in time the design And add the number corresponding to the year of conception. If the result obtained individual So he is a boy. If the result is PeersSo it’s a girl who’s going to point the tip of her nose. Congratulation !

urine test

To find out the gender of the future child, the mother has to rely on first morning pee. You have to collect it in a cup and pour a good dose of it bicarbonate of soda. If there is a reaction, you welcome a little girl. Otherwise, you are expecting a boy.

pregnancy mask

Facial testing is one of the last signs that can determine the gender of an unborn fetus. You have to pay attention to how the pregnancy progresses and how the mother’s face changes. In fact, when the latter is expecting a girl there won’t be much change, most of the time. On the other hand, when he is a boy, his facial features thicken, especially the nose The skin will become drier.

Now you know how to cheat to know the gender of your future baby. It’s time to prepare and announce the good news to your loved ones…unless you’d rather wait Confirmation from your doctor. Anyway, imagining the gender of your future baby is a special moment to experience during pregnancy. You will have hundreds of ideas to welcome this baby and Live motherhood intensely. These telltale signs are often effective, even without being scientific facts. Myth or reality? Try and make your own decision.

See also: Grandma’s remedy for intimate dryness: how to moisturize the vagina?

Child’s gender: a girl or a boy, according to beliefs? Take the video test!

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