
Which tea is high in caffeine?

Amounts of caffeine vary between teas, and black tea is the one with the most caffeine. Green and white teas contain the least amount, except for decaffeinated teas.

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It consists of the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which after harvesting begin to wilt and oxidize. The oxidation process can be stopped by heating the leaves.

The more oxidized the tea leaves, the darker they become, which determines the type of tea:

Black tea leaves are wilted, rolled, and completely oxidized.
Green tea leaves do not wilt and oxidize.
Oolong tea leaves wilt and partially oxidize.
White tea is made from young leaves that are poorly oxidized.

Black tea is most popular in Europe and accounts for about 75% of global tea consumption. In Japan and China, green tea is the most popular. Oolong tea and white tea are the least consumed in the world.

The amount of caffeine in tea varies with the type of tea. The most caffeinated teas are black tea, oolong tea, decaffeinated tea, and herbal teas that contain very little or little caffeine.

Many types of tea offer many health benefits, as they contain:

Antioxidants: delay or prevent oxidative damage, which helps reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Phytochemicals: These plant compounds are naturally occurring. They can boost the immune system and play a role in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Flavonoids: These are a type of phytochemical that contains polyphenols and are also antioxidants.

Flavonols: A type of flavonoids found in tea, they are powerful antioxidants.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG): This is a catechin found in black and green tea and a powerful antioxidant.

Theanine: This is an amino acid that can help reduce stress.

black tea

Black tea contains the highest amount of caffeine, between 64 and 112 milligrams (mg) per 200 grams.

Black tea contains no calories, fat, protein, fiber, vitamins, or sugar. However, like other teas, it contains flavonoids, phytochemicals, flavonols, theanine, and health-promoting antioxidant properties. Black tea can help:

Increased mental alertness: A person may feel more alert and be more alert if they drink black tea throughout the day due to its caffeine content.

Heart attack: People who drink black tea may have a lower risk of heart attacks, while those who drink black tea for at least a year may be less likely to die from heart attacks.

Low blood pressure: Caffeinated beverages may contribute to an increase in blood pressure in older adults who have low blood pressure after eating.

Ovarian cancer: People who drink tea regularly seem to have a lower risk of developing this type of cancer than those who never or rarely drink it.

oolong tea

Oolong tea contains between 29 and 53 mg of caffeine per 2.5 liters.

It contains no fats, sugars, proteins or fibres. Per 100 grams, oolong tea contains:

1 calorie
1 mg calcium
1 mg magnesium
1 mg of phosphorous
12 mg potassium as
3 mg sodium
0.01 mg of zinc
0.06 mg niacin
2 mg theobromine

Oolong tea can help lose weight. Animal studies show that regular consumption of oolong tea and other teas can aid weight loss thanks to the antioxidant EGCG it contains. It may also help fight heart disease, as research shows that oolong tea can lower cholesterol, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Green tea

The caffeine in green tea ranges between 24-39 mg per 200g.

Per 100g green tea contains no fat, sugars or fiber and contains:

1 calorie
0.22 g protein
0.02 mg Iron
1 mg magnesium
8 mg potassium as
1 mg sodium
0.01 mg of zinc

Green tea may have health benefits, including

Anti-cancer properties of skin cancer: Human research, in vivo and in vitro, has found that green tea may help in the chemoprevention of skin cancer caused by UV rays. This may be due to tea polyphenols and micronutrients found in plants.

Inflammatory skin conditions: Studies have found that green tea and the EGCG it contains seem to help reduce inflammation.

Cognitive abilities: Observational studies suggest a link between green tea and a reduced risk of cognitive impairment.

white tea

The caffeine in white tea ranges from 32-37 mg per 200g:

White tea is nutritionally similar to green tea and is less processed than black tea, oolong tea, and green tea, which means it retains more antioxidants. It has as many benefits as other teas and may also help:

heart health
Protection from harmful UV rays
reduce inflammation
Weight loss
Improve cognitive abilities

Decaffeinated tea

These teas contain less than 12 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce serving, and many natural, caffeine-free herbal teas contain no trace of caffeine.

The best healthy caffeine-free tea

Many teas do not contain any trace of caffeine. You can usually find a decaffeinated version of your favorite black, green, or white tea, including Earl Gray tea, but many herbal teas are naturally decaffeinated. Some decaffeinated teas with notable health benefits include:

sage tea

This tea does not contain caffeine. Animal research suggests that sage supplementation may help protect the liver from oxidative stress and lower blood pressure.

hibiscus tea

Research suggests that hibiscus leaf extracts may provide antitumor and antioxidant properties and may support cardiovascular health and healthy blood pressure.

chamomile tea

Chamomile tea may help improve sleep in people with insomnia. It may also lower cholesterol levels, improve cardiovascular health, and provide antioxidant protection.

turmeric tea

Curcumin, which is found in turmeric and gives it its characteristic yellow colour, improves immune function with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Caffeine Dangers

Consuming too much caffeine can lead to health problems. Research has indicated 400 milligrams, or about 4 or 5 cups of coffee, as the maximum recommended daily allowance. However, consuming more than this number is associated with serious negative effects, including:

Increased heart rate

Some people need to avoid or limit their caffeine intake, including people who:

pregnant or breastfeeding
They find it difficult to sleep
You have high blood pressure
You have ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease
Migraine attacks
You are taking medicines such as stimulants.


The most caffeinated teas are black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and white tea. They all have potential health benefits because they contain antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, flavonols, and other health-promoting compounds.

The health benefits of tea include:

Cardiovascular health thanks to lowering cholesterol
– Weight loss
Antioxidant protection
– Protection from harmful UV rays
– Reduce inflammation

If a person wishes to avoid caffeine, which can cause hyperstimulation or interact with certain health conditions, caffeine-free varieties of popular teas are commonly available. Some teas, including many herbal teas, are naturally caffeine-free. Some health-promoting decaffeinated teas include sage, hibiscus, and chamomile.


Kanda, BD, et al. (2014). Effects of consuming sage (aspalathus linearis) and a commercial supplement derived from sage on hepatic tissue injury by tert-butyl hydroperoxide in Wistar rats.

Chang, SM et al. (2015). Effects of intervention by drinking chamomile tea on sleep quality and depression in disturbed sleep of postpartum women: a randomized controlled trial.

Chen, Jim, et al. (2008). Caffeine content in brewed tea.

Shetban, M, et al. (2015). Chemistry and beneficial health effects of oolong tea and thiasincin.

Ohishi, T., et al. (2016). Anti-inflammatory effect of green tea [Abstract].

Pastorizza, S., et al. (2017). The health properties of green and white tea: an update [Abstract].

Rashid. (2019). Molecular evidence of the health benefits of drinking black tea.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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