
Itchy Breasts: Don’t Ignore Them!

Nipples that irritate? It is not only uncomfortable, but also annoying. It could, in fact, be a symptom of an illness like shingles, eczema, allergies, bacterial infection, and worse, breast cancer. In short, the itching in the breast It can have several causes and can be synonymous with several diseases. So we must be vigilant. More information in this article.

What are the causes of sore nipple?

In fact, the skin around the nipple becomes irritated and itchy. This problem can have several causes.

It may be of viral origin. This is the case with shingles. If it is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, it is a bacterial infection. In both cases, it is often the postpartum woman who suffers. They have a skin infection under the breast and recurrent mastitis. They may also end up suffering from breast abscess associated with chronic pregnancy and familial staphylococcal disease.

Irritation can also be a consequence of a localized allergy to cleaning products or soaps. Wearing a metal wire bra can also cause the same problem. It may even be underwear that causesnipple irritation. This is often the case if it is made of synthetic materials.

In some women, a hormonal imbalance or change is manifested itching in the breast. This can thus announce menstruation or pregnancy.

Symptoms of breast cancer:

In most cases, nipple itching portends a mild pathology. However, this concern can also point to a more serious problem including Paget breasts. The latter is a form of breast cancer. After irritation and rashes, redness and other skin changes around the nipple may appear. As a result of these symptoms, he may also experience nipple discharge or bleeding, a lump under the nipple or flattening and inversion of the nipple. If these situations appear and are accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest, you should immediately take the necessary measures and contact a specialist.

What do you do if you feel itching in the nipple?

The first thing to do in case of breast irritation is to understand and discover the causes. This is often easy. It is also necessary to visit a specialist such as a dermatologist for more accuracy.

In general, if the anxiety appears to be mild or not serious, the use of antibiotics or antivirals may be sufficient. If there are lesions on the nipples, it is enough to use an antiseptic to dry them. Thus, the risk of infection will be remote.

Shingles treatment is symptomatic. To calm the pain caused by this pathology, it is necessary to carry out a topical disinfection to reduce the drying of the lesions. Then it is necessary to moisten the parts that irritate. Often, the patient must take oral analgesics such as codeine, paracetamol, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is especially recommended to use a skin soap or bar with lukewarm water during daily showers. This helps reduce symptoms and irritation.

Since this is an allergy problem, the first thing to do is to avoid allergens. In case of inflammation, it is possible to apply a local corticosteroid. If it is atopic eczema, and therefore not related to contact allergy, but rather of genetic origin, it is necessary to follow the treatments recommended by the specialist.

  • If Paget’s disease:

This situation is more sensitive than the others. It cannot be treated at home. Breast surgery or breast removal is often necessary. This treatment option limits the damage the disease can cause. Depending on the stage of the pathology, it is possible to preserve part of the breast and remove only the affected area. We are talking about conservative surgery.

Some patients may also need other treatments including chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, and targeted therapies. The choice of these other treatments depends on the characteristics observed during the diagnosis.

What to remember:

Causes of itchy breasts: The most common causes are skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and allergies. Infections (Staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus), benign breast tumors (fibroadenomas), and even cancer can all cause itchy breasts. Finally, some medications can also be responsible for these symptoms.

Treatments for itchy breasts: Depending on the underlying disease, different treatments are possible. For example, antibiotics may be prescribed in case of infection. If you have a skin problem, topical corticosteroids or antihistamines can help relieve the itch. If an allergic reaction occurs, identify the allergen and avoid it. When it comes to precancerous lesions, surgery is often necessary.

Itchy nipples: If it hasn’t always been a symptom of breast cancer, itchy nipples should never be ignored. It could be a sign of a more serious problem that requires immediate medical attention. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing any kind of itchy nipples so that he can determine the cause and provide you with proper treatment.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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