Science and Technology

Two Point Campus Review

What if we create our dream school? Choose fun teachers instead of tyrants, classes outside instead of between four walls, to study magic instead of geography… It’s all possible in Two Point Campus, a management game aligned with the world of Two Point Hospital. Back to school August 8 on Game Pass and all consoles, but is it a good idea to launch a game in a college environment?

This test was performed on a personal computer.

It is a pleasure to rediscover the world of Two Point! Let us insist on this point from the beginning, Two Point Campus is not a ‘Toe Point Hospital but a School’. The engine is the same, the radio hosts are the same, the game takes place in the same universe … but everything is new, from the animations to the muzzles of these famous hosts (finally translated!, we are almost there!) It is clear that we pass through the gameplay. Everything is new, but this connected universe that forms between the Two Point games puts us in comfortable slippers. It’s backA colorful and cheerful world, where all misfortunes are visual jokes, with false spells lessons and seeing students wearing pumpkin heads, for example. The things you put in are excuses for exaggerated interactions which makes exploring your campus a fun thing to do. There is so much going on that you almost forget to build it. The good news is that the gameplay has adapted to your desires to keep going, but we’ll come back to it. Indeed, what is the point?

Rich content that knows how to renew itself

Twelve scenarios are suggested to youEach one takes you to a different world with its own formations. There are 17 decks in totaland, once unlocked, can be used on the following maps. Let’s not spoil the surprise with some examples from the beginning of the game: cooking, equestrian or robotics lessons. One of the levels offers you to manage a very compelling replica of Hogwarts. You have an idea of ​​the possibilities, and Scenarios are replenished with distinct gameplay, each offering unique challenges. Sometimes the balance is not fully developed but will be corrected very quickly. Starting a campus from scratch at first can feel lazy, but discovering the evolution of gameplay and the subtleties of each level rekindles interest in the game.

Let’s add that a full and customizable sandbox is included, if restrictions aren’t your thing.

Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts

Each scenario offers several objectives that must be completed to get the three stars and unlock new items, by offering different challenges, but the success system maintains the same structure. If your students are happy, they study better and get good grades; If their school results are good, you have great financial rewards. Of course, you will have to maintain a good balance between your basic income, ie university fees or the rent your students pay, and the salaries of teachers or cleaners. but primarily, A big bonus is paid every month according to the xp points earned by your students.

Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than HogwartsTwo Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts

It looks like an RPG, Students have a level in their chosen training, and earn xp by simply attending a course or doing their homework. But all characters have a Sims side, too. They have need ranges that must be met to keep them happy during the 3 years of their studies. This is critical if you want them to pay their tuition fees. And if things go really bad, their average will drop, and You may find yourself trainees dealing with micro-management and you will have to offer them private lessons.

Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts
Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts

The professors and the rest of the staff were not left out, and all of these beautiful people have special traitsSome of them are humorous and some have real gameplay elements. A person with naturally deplorable hygiene habits, will be reluctant to shower and will complain that it is dirty… They will also have to train or be in a good mood to be more efficient. And since it’s the main expense item, you’ll have to be careful about who you recruit!

Great idea for a two-stage game

We’ve been saying that the management game generally doesn’t leave much time to get going as you have to constantly solve problems and build quickly. Two Point Campus decided to solve this problem. The game is played in two main stages, So the school year phase is all about keeping your campus running smoothly. Students and teachers are scheduled from the start by automatically filling available rooms. The table cannot be made by yourself, other than creating special events such as student parties. But anyway, do we want to inflict ourselves with that headache? And when they don’t have a class, your students will take care of themselves or do their homework, often asking for new material to do, like a well-equipped library for example.

Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than HogwartsTwo Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts

You won’t just monitor academic outcomes: student relationships, club creation, teacher training, rival gang attacks or natural disasters permeate campus life, as well as the persistent demands of students or inspectors. However, this stage remains less active than that of long holidays., where everything is supposed to work. After the fun of discovering animation in a new semester, Orientation is to press the “fast forward” button to advance the time, which may even benefit from being faster. There is nothing to prevent large constructions from embarking on during the school year, but it is always dangerous to touch everything while the students are in class, it is a blow to break their routine.

Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts

The second stage, quite original in the world of management games, is The long summer vacation phase, a kind of active rest that gives you time to plan for the next year. You have to choose among the many courses that your campus will be able to offer or improve the ones you already offer, and build the required rooms, taking into account the ever-increasing number of students. More students means more facilities to accommodate them, so your campus will grow from year to year. So, the game offers you this moment of rest, infinitely expandable, before you hit the “Launch the school year” button. You don’t lose money no matter what you spend on building, your students and teachers automatically meet their needs… In short, it’s a fun and stress-free planning time.. You can experiment with the design, give it up, improve it, change your mind about the molding… Nothing will fall apart during this time, so if you want to improve your Annex B toilet installation for long minutes, enjoy! It allows you to take full advantage of the game’s cosmetic customization tools.

building system strength

Two Point Campus: The New Standard for Building a Better School than Hogwarts

The game gives you a lot of various items to put in place. They add attractiveness to your campus, provide entertainment for your students, or simply help create a place that pleases your eyes. The possibilities are wide. because now You have complete control over the proposed space, interior and exterior, in complete freedom. You can choose to have a large building with room for all your rooms, or several outbuildings, each with their own specialty. And some classrooms must be built in the open anyway. This results in a no-pay management game in a “disguise puzzle game”, with pre-designed buildings that don’t quite fit what you want to do, and that force you to flip items in all directions to find the right one. Mix. Space certainly isn’t infinite, but As long as you have the money to buy new land, you will have plenty of space to build whatever you have in mind.

The building itself has the luxury of being fun. It avoids redundancy if you plan to use several tools at your disposal. Filters, favorites system, possibility to repeat rooms or save layouts from one scenario to another… There is no frustration in dressing up your construction site. On the other hand, we regret that it is difficult to find certain information in the management interfaces. We feel like making beautiful presentations, very “Powerpoint presentations”, but we’re losing clarity. For example, you can’t find a page that summarizes all the authorized and prohibited tasks for your employees, even though Two Point Hospital provided it. If you want to broadly manage who among the teachers is licensed to do tutoring, then either the job no longer exists or your job hasn’t really found it. And it’s not because of the lack of looks… well, it’s a slightly negative final evaluation so the game doesn’t stop on its laurels for the next few quarters, because the report remains excellent!


strength point

  • Long vacation phase, great system
  • Repeat scenarios
  • Numerous and varied training courses
  • Cute sparkling and funny universe
  • Very complete construction tools
  • Customization and external use
  • Partial and balanced management

Weak points

  • The school year stage, sometimes a little long without doing anything
  • Interfaces, it’s almost, but it’s not perfect yet

Two Point Campus makes an almost perfect version by revamping the management game genre. The amazing two-stage game system allows you to combine the best of both worlds: a game in which you can build without stress and with ease, and a game in which you can watch the result of your work with pleasure. If the phase of the school year turns out to be more idle than summer vacation, this allows you to appreciate the excellent work in the atmosphere, animation, and personalization of your campus. The game is funny and does not fall into the classic iteration of the genre, thanks to its powerful building tools and scenarios that know how to reinvent themselves in terms of decoration and gameplay. A role model!

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