
Heat Wave: Never Take These Headache Medicines in Hot Weather!

It’s the health insurance that warns you. France was hit by a severe heat wave. However, this has real consequences for the functioning of our bodies. So some people can get sick. Symptoms are different. But in order to self-medicate, it is sometimes not recommended to take your usual medications. Quite simply because it could make your case worse.

It is not recommended to use medicines: do not take aspirin or paracetamol

If these medications aren’t recommended in the event of a heat wave, it’s for good reason. In fact, they” It may exacerbate dehydration and fatigue syndrome or heat stroke “. The health insurance asks you to be careful and to see with your doctor the procedure to follow to avoid some complications, such as the aforementioned syndrome, or even heat stroke.

If you have an unusual headache or fever, avoid paracetamol and aspirin. “ Paracetamol is ineffective in cases of stroke, and aspirin can disrupt the body’s thermoregulation ‘, reveals health insurance.

During a heat wave, remember to drink plenty of water, more than usual, and even when you don’t feel thirsty. It is essential to stay hydrated. Avoid going out and enjoying the sun between 11 am and 5/6 pm, and do not exercise during the day, especially outside. You risk hyperthermia, when the body temperature is too high. If cold kills, heat can also kill. So take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Medicines that can be dangerous during a heat wave

A number of medications can be dangerous in hot weather. And just like in France, we stay with you.

Some medicines used in psychiatry such as antipsychotics, lithium salts, or some medicines to treat depression. It can interfere with sweating. The body sweats to cool itself down and maintain its normal temperature. So it is essential that you sweat well.

– some medicine Treatment for epilepsy can become toxic if the patient is dehydrated. However, during a heat wave, you can become dehydrated without even realizing it. Therefore concerned patients should consider drinking more than others.

– some medicine Against migraine prevents dilation of skin vessels. Reduce sweating.

Some antibiotics Interfering with normal kidney function In case of drought.

It is essential to talk about this with your doctor. The health insurance insists on this topic: “Never stop your treatment without talking to your doctor or pharmacist.”

How are medicines stored during a heat wave?

We tend to forget about it because, in general, there are no storage conditions stated on the medicine box. But it is clear that it is advisable to avoid exposing them to the sun. Especially if the temperatures are very hot. However, if storage conditions are not specified, the doctor can be taken, even after exposure.

On the other hand, what if some medicines need to be stored at temperatures no higher than 25 or 30 degrees? Don’t panic. You can leave them in their regular wardrobe, even if it has been quite warm in your place for the past few days. In fact, many studies have shown the fact that a rise in temperature for several days does not lead to the deterioration of drugs.

For drugs that should be stored between 2 and 8 degrees, nothing changes. In fact, in all cases they are kept in the refrigerator. The heat wave has no effect on them. But once you take them out, don’t leave them lying around and use them quickly. They should not have time to warm up.

You now know how to manage the situation with your medication. Assume that in the event of a heat wave, the best ally for health is water. It’s what keeps you hydrated and fit, while your body struggles to keep its temperature elevated. So remember to drink at least two liters, or more if you sweat a lot.

#Heat #Wave #Headache #Medicines #Hot #Weather

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