
Heating: 14 to 25 degrees, large temperature difference in the workplace

Thierry Millat, a labor attorney, specifies that “if an employee notices a defect, he can talk about it to employee representatives or the labor inspectorate.”

Testimonials – Recommendations – Between reluctance and heat stroke, some employees are subject to employer choices. Le Figaro I collected their feelings and their coping solutions.

Energy sobriety is also invited in companies. In light of the government’s plan being presented on Thursday, Medef and the social partners relayed their actions. among them,”Regulating temperature in the workplaceThe text mentionsBenefit of optimizing heating temperatures at 19°‘, a temperature that is not necessarily respected in businesses. So how much profit is your workplace? Between 14 and 25 degrees, according to employees he interviewed le Figaro, Many of them regret this situation.

I had a hard time concentrating in this cold.‘ says Edgar*, 29. Last week, this project manager’s consultant noticed a temperature of 15-16 degrees in his office. Despite three layers of clothing on his back, he realizes that “The situation was complicated and painful“. On Monday, his company turned on the heating, allowing it to reach 18 degrees.”It’s possible, but since I’m so cold, I keep a jacket or fleeceIt is impossible to increase the thermostat, it is a collective system whose temperature is determined directly by its superiors.

Same note for Lucas*, 26, managing agent at Bourges Plus urban community. “My desk swings between 16 and 18 degrees, and I have to keep my coat on“, regrets. He adds that “This temperature is too low to work behind a desk“and that his”Cool hands for typing on the keyboard“. To avoid shivering, the best solution is.”Putting on an undershirt, a fleece jacket and a jacket and drinking a hot drinkOn the business front, there is no discussion, hotterYou will light up as late as possible to save money“That is, not before the end of October.

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More than 25 degrees in an open place

Faced with this situation, Lucas currently realizes”Research to see if it can lead [son] right of withdrawal“.”If the temperature drops below 15 degrees, I will inform the unions to see what steps to take“, presents. An approach agreed upon by Thierry Millat, Labor Advocate: “If the employee notices a defect, he can talk to employee representatives or the labor inspectorate.»«If your company has a social and economic committee, it is linked to all provisions related to health and safety’, and therefore intervention can be made.

If the cold has a direct effect on the work, then other companies feel free to heat their premises. Victoire*, 23, recorded a temperature of 25.3 degrees on Monday outdoors. From her point of view,22 degrees would be good“But it is out of the question that it goes down to 19 degrees.”I don’t want to live in a refrigerator‘, she laughs. The young woman noted that the heating caused many controversies in her team with the creation of two clans: those in favor of the 19th degree and those against.One of my colleagues simply uses electric heating, while another wants to open the windows regarding COVID-19It’s fun for everyoneVictoire notes.

This topic sometimes provokes comical situations, as happened in the company Raphal, which decided to limit the temperature to 20 degrees, compared to 23 degrees in previous years. In one of his tweets, he tells a recent anecdote:One of my collaborators asked more seriously if we could provide electric blankets to prevent everyone from getting sick.“On social networks, clichés about office thermometers are proliferating.”Heating has become a real social issue, and is now at the center of all discussions among colleaguesVictoire concludes.

*Names have been changed.

see also Energy: the mayor for an “unnecessarily insane pension” profit.

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