
It is possible to install your own solar panels

At a time of rising energy costs, the prospect of being able to produce all or part of your energy on your own if you live in a home with solar panels is exciting. But the investment required is cooling: according to Engie, it takes an average of 9,000-12,000 euros for the installation cost. To lower the bill, Oscaro Power had an idea: offer complete solar kits to install yourself. 20 minutes Discover this offer for you.

Sales explosion

Oscaro Power is an affiliate of Founded in 2001, the company offers genuine parts for sale to allow everyone to repair their vehicles. With Oscaro Power, the spirit has remained the same since 2019: “to make solar energy available to as many people as possible,” he explains to 20 minutes Marie Joyaux, CEO of Oscar Power. The company has already sold 10,000 of its solar arrays since the beginning of the year and expects sales of 15,000 this year. “And there, it goes very quickly and very quickly. People are convinced by solar energy, notes Marie Joyo. But for many, the question now is when they will make that leap.”

Installation simulation

After failing to install solar panels ourselves on the roof of our little pavilion in the Parisian suburbs, we took the classic consumer ride on Simplicity is the key. In just a minute, we had a clear idea of ​​the budget required for a possible future installation.

To do this, you must enter the monthly amount of your electricity bill (we indicated 80 euros), specify whether you have an electric water heater, electric radiators, a swimming pool and an electric car. But also enter your zip code; Choose the desired inclination of the solar panels (depending on where they will be fixed), as well as their orientation. The result does not take long.

Oscaro Power solar arrays will power 20,000 homes since 2019.
Oscaro Power solar kits will equip 20,000 homes since 2019. – Oscaro Power

Within three seconds, the site recommends installing nine solar panels with an estimated budget of €3,310, or a reduced electricity bill of €470 per year. With this equipment, according to Oscaro Power, we will be able to produce 34% of our electrical energy consumption. not bad.

To sell or not to sell its excess capacity?

It remains to continue the simulation by choosing the location of the panels (roof, pergola, shelter, ground …), perhaps the nature of our tiles, but also the model of the solar panels. By choosing the recommended TrinaSolar performance reference (420 Wp), the estimated bill comes to €4,721 (for a set of 69 products including panels, cables, fasteners, etc.). We are already far from the initial savings of 3,310 euros and 470 euros in savings per year…

Savings which, upon closer examination, are included in their calculation taking into account income associated with the resale of surplus electricity produced in ENEDIS. Resale based on an optional contract of €650 (if you wish to delegate administrative procedures to Oscaro Power and its partner JPME). If this does not happen, any excess electricity produced is returned to the grid. Our initial estimate of 3,310 euros explodes and this time it goes up to 5,371 euros… It’s a bit like a new car: its base price is often attractive… Except for the options!

Be handy and agile

“Ultimately, our kits make it possible to pay four times less than through an installer, they pay themselves in 4-5 years and have a lifespan of 25-40 years,” reassures Marie Joyo. But the question: Will we be able to go up on our roof and install a photovoltaic array?

Installing your own solar array requires you to be witty...and light.
Installing your own solar array requires you to be witty…and light. Oscar’s power

“Yes,” Oscar Power’s Managing Director replied, “Our clients don’t experience any particular difficulties, they are proud of what they do themselves and sometimes even share their movies on YouTube.” And Oscar Power assures that in case of difficulties, free customer service in its offices “never stops without finding a solution”. Video lessons are also available. However, you need to be on hand, agile…and careful! But the task does not seem impossible.

Rank competitors

While it certainly allows for savings compared to installation by professionals (who can benefit from a lower VAT rate), the Oscaro Power solution has its limitations, as with any PV equipment. The electricity produced can only be consumed when it is produced, i.e. during the day, because it is the luster that makes the panels work. It is impossible, for example, to recharge your electric car at night if you have not also got a battery to store the energy produced by the solar panels. Drums, their entry price is 6000 euros minimum! Or for us a global bill of 11.571 euros!

“Our customers do not buy batteries, but quickly realize that it is better to wash their washing machines or recharge their cars during the day than at night. In this case, we managed to get days of 100% self-depreciation,” defines Marie Joyo.

There is no doubt that the production of “home” electricity is a trend that will develop. And an indisputable path to the future. Other players, such as Beem Energy, are also positioning themselves in this market with self-installed PV kits, such as Ikea furniture. With four panels placed on the floor or on the roof (sold for €780), Beem Energy promises to produce 15% of the household’s electricity consumption.

Before equipping yourself, you should correctly estimate your needs and compare offers, no matter how useful they may be at first glance. Perhaps, first of all, efforts should be made to reduce its consumption and improve its isolation. And wear a turtleneck.

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