Energy crisis: How electric companies are proposing to reward the most discreet customers this winter

Energy crisis: How electric companies are proposing to reward the most discreet customers this winter

Europe is preparing for a difficult winter. To avoid power outages, especially during peak consumption, many energy suppliers will put in place financial incentive mechanisms for their customers, so that they reduce their consumption. On Wednesday, September 28, TotalEnergies announced the payment of a bonus of up to 120 euros to those who will make an effort this winter. Franceinfo evaluates the systems offered to clients of three suppliers.

Premium from 30 to 120 euros for TotalEnergies

The TotalEnergies oil group does not only produce fuel. It is also a supplier of electricity. To encourage his customers to reduce their consumption, he promises a reward to his customers “according to their efforts”. From 5% savings during the winter season, a discount of 30 euros will be paid. It can reach 120 euros if the customer achieves 20% energy savings. Concretely, the supplier will compare consumption between November 2022 and March 2023 with consumption for the same period in 2021 and 2022.

This assistance, which was paid out in April 2023 in the form of a bill reduction, will not benefit new customers. To be eligible for this, you will need, in addition to the savings made, to have been a subscriber since at least November 2021, not to change your residence since then, and to be equipped with an “on-line” meter (allowing electricity consumption to be directly monitored) . In total, 3 million households were affected, according to the group. “This bonus comes in addition to the savings made by the customer thanks to his reduction in consumption”, TotalEnergies confirms in its press release.

Daily challenges with Engy

To encourage around 5 million consumers to consume less electricity, Engy decided to challenge them. On the program from mid-October: target daily reduction set on previous weeks’ consumption. These initiatives will be launched specifically depending on the needs of the network and the weather. Between one and three days before the said day, we launch the “My Bonus Engie” challenge., explains to AFP Marion Derderer Blundell, director of people marketing at Engie France. The ambition is to reduce its consumption by 10 to 20% for an interest of 5 to 10 euros With every successful challengeAccording to the company.

Engy should launch a subscription campaign at the beginning of October, “Customers must agree to provide their daily statements,” Through their Linky scale, it identifies the resource. “It is a double benefit to them, Engy adds. On the one hand, they lower their bill and an amount of money will be refunded according to their consumer profile”.

With EDF, days and hours are cheaper

For EDF customers, certain incentives exist for many years. The supplier therefore offers a “Tempo” option, which offers lower prices on days and times when there is less tension on the network (blue and white days). On the contrary, days when electricity demand is high (22 days in winter), marked in red, are charged more. The supplier offers its customers a calendar to know in advance the days of stress.

This option, which aims to balance supply and demand, also includes an off-peak hours system (set by Enedis Electricity Distribution Manager), which encourages customers to postpone their consumption outside hours when demand is strongest, in order to save money. Concretely, at the rates shown on September 1, 2022, kilowatt-hours are billed 0.1272 EUR Full-time blue day for 0.5486 euros for red day.

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