
Twitter: Elon Musk reveals a new feature intended for paying subscribers

When new followers block or hide a profile from appearing in their news feed, it will reduce the public visibility of the hidden account.

Bonus feature for new paying Twitter subscribers. This was announced by Elon Musk, Saturday, on the Blue Bird social network. Concretely, when subscribers block or hide a profile so that it does not appear in their news feed, it will reduce the public visibility of the hidden account. However, the new owner of Twitter did not provide details on the exact impact on visibility or deadlines for implementing this new feature.

Each account is associated with visibility based on a large number of variables. This feature will give power and privilege to paying subscribers explains Fabrice Applebuin, social media expert.

We are passing from democratic power to bourgeois power

Fabrice Epelboin, Social Media Specialist

A new option that could have positive effects on the social network, if we look at the tails. “This can be effective in making trolls invisible and reducing maliciousness on Twitter. This is an important announcement to fight hate on this networkAnalyzes a social media expert. But in terms of the face, excesses are never far away. “There may be potential conversions, approved accounts may affect people’s appearances just because they have different opinions. We are passing from an aristocratic power to a bourgeois power, which is given to those who pay a subscriptionFabrice Applebuin continues.

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$8 per month to subscribe

This new subscription costs $8 per month if users sign up via the website, and $11 per month if they go through the mobile app for an Apple-branded device (iPhone or iPad). Twitter has not provided an official explanation for this price difference. Elon Musk has previously criticized the 30% commission that Apple charges on spends through the App Store.

But this is not the only advantage that the new premium accounts will have. The main concern for people who agree to pay money: a sign that is supposed to certify the identity of the subscriber, blue for individuals, gold for companies and, later in the week, gray for institutions. Tweets from followers will also be considered more important than those from free users, and therefore will appear higher in replies and searches. Twitter also promised those who agree to pay that they would see half as many ads as others, and that they would be able to upload longer videos and remove a tweet after it was sent but before it was not seen by others on the platform. They’ll also have access to more options for customizing the app and features the social network tests out, according to the company. By clicking on the badge attached to an account, it is possible to see if the user is subscribed to Twitter Blue or if they have kept the blue tick blank.

This subscription will initially be available in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. The San Francisco company didn’t say when Twitter Blue will be available on other smartphones (powered by Android, like Google), or at what price. Users who already have the old free character authentication system track checkmark, previously, will be able to keep it without paying for now, according to the terms of use details posted by Twitter.

Since the first launch attempt was marked by an outbreak of fake accounts, the authentication requirements were tightened. In particular, users must have had an account for at least 90 days, linked to a verified phone number, which doesn’t look like “misleading or deceptiveThey must also have been active at least once in the previous month and not changed their Twitter profile picture or name during the previous week.

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