
With rising fuel prices, the Loran water engine has been a huge success

ecol'eau morlaix
Laurent Baltazar began marketing his water hybrid range, called Éco l’eau, ten years ago. © Breastside

Laurent Baltazar keeps his head despite the surrounding frenzy. Business Manager, based in Sainte-Sève, near Morlaix (Fenistere)overwhelmed with requests.

With fuel prices on the rise, Éco l’eau, a water-hybrid kit installed on automobile engines, has been a huge success.

20% less fuel

And for good reason, the entrepreneur is proud of 20% fuel saving, rate. “There are also gains in terms of engine durability. It clogs less, so it lasts longer. We win it all because there is also Low pollution. Particulate matter and carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by up to 30%. »

Le Morlaisien’s sales presentation is not based on studies, but on customer feedback: “These are from the field! It’s better than test strips. We’re pragmatic!”

Doping with water

In short, the entrepreneur summarizes how his product works:

They are water stimulants. Engine performance is enhanced by a natural process: water turns into mist and feeds the engine through the air intake.

Computer scientist and accountant Laurent Balthazar developed his collection in self-taught“After reading an article by science and life ». For two years, he conducted research and tested his process, until he was convinced. “I did not invent the principle, but I I made my product. I’m not the only one, there is competition. »

One year of sales in one month

His collection was successfully marketed in 2012. The man witnessed a noticeable peak of his activity, in connection with the rise in fuel prices, as happened in 2018 and the crisis yellow jackets.

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Since March 2022 and the price hike at the pump, its product has been cut. Laurent Baltazar says: “In March, we had sales for one year. Since then, all monthswe record 50% growth. »

On average, the company generates 150 thousand euros in sales per year, excluding the health crisis. “Covid had a good impact on us, but we took advantage of it to store and develop the network and operations.”

An illustration of an installed group.
The kit can be installed on any type of heat engine, be it a car, truck or agricultural machine. © Eco Water

Install alone or in the garage

The kit adapts to All heat engines », says Laurent Balthazar, who sells One Hundred Weeks. Those for cars but also trucks, agricultural machines, generators… He’s currently thinking about adapting them to fishing vessels.

The kit is marketed on the Internet at the address €599 (Delivery possible) Without installation. “It’s easy to install, provided you have the concepts of mechanics and time,” says the contractor. To clarify from the start:

If it is installed incorrectly, then there will be no effect on the motor, but the savings will not be there.

The price for the kit comes to 1090 euros with installation by a professional for a light car, and 1290 euros for a utility vehicle.

For a decade, the company provided interventions alone. To meet the demand, since the beginning of the year it has relied on A network of licensed garages, settled mainly in the Great West. They are currently 22, and the goal is to reach 50 by the end of the year.

product “Khaled”

Laurent Baltazar highlights a “timeless, maintenance-free” product. Some customers use it Since 10 years. The kit can also be uninstalled to return it to another vehicle.

On average, its consumption takes 20,000 km. Some do it in three months, others in two years.

The company realizes 80% of its sales are in France. So far, 80% of them have come from individuals. “By the end of the year, the trend should be reversed. More and more professionals are approaching Éco l’eau. Laurent Baltazar has won contracts with major groups such as Eiffage, Dior or Centragri.

The businessman currently employs 12 people. The workforce will grow to about 20 by the end of the year, and in September a yard will open showroom 90 m2, along the highway. “You have to grow step by step, support Finistère. Nothing is ever gained, you have to remain in control of the situation.”

Required status

From the start, Laurent Baltazar struggled to improve his process, to adapt to the evolution of engines. ” Show environmental side before saving.

With the ambition to see its operation “environmentally certified” by the state. “The more economically we weigh, the more we are listened to. There is still work to be done, but we are starting to talk about ourselves.”

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#rising #fuel #prices #Loran #water #engine #huge #success

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