“ Danger. Towards revolutions in Europe on energy prices!” Editorial by Charles Sennett - Insolentiae

“ Danger. Towards revolutions in Europe on energy prices!” Editorial by Charles Sennett – Insolentiae

Dear impudents, dear impudents,

The Yellow Vests movement is still in everyone’s memory.

We had to sorely lack political flair, moreover, to allow this crisis to become coded as the government at the time and Macron were able to do.

This crisis was linked to a few more cents that the government wanted to supply with diesel.

Our country, historically revolutionary, logically “erupted”!

It was expected.

However, not the whole country had a yellow jacket.

Also logical and predictable.

A large part of the population does not depend on the “car” as a means of subsistence, a means of work and the only means of transportation. In general, in recent years city dwellers (often forced and, by the way) are accustomed to dispensing with cars in favor of public transport.

consequences ?

Half of France was a yellow jacket, and the other half did not know at all where the problem was.

Energy matters to all the French!

The problem with crazy energy prices is that they affect all the French. Absolutely everything.

The potential for rebellion is thus enormous, and the reservoir of discontented nearly infinite.

From the French in the cities to the French in the countryside, everyone has to warm themselves, and even more so among the French in the cities, because the French in the countryside who were yesterday yellow jackets, generally have a wood-burning stove, a wood-pellet stove, and a little stock in advance. The French in the cities only heat themselves with gas or electricity.

The bills would be too painful to pay.

To avoid non-payments, take as much in advance and anticipate the problem.

Even the unions are alerting about this. This means that the crisis in energy and heating bills is clearly predictable. On top of that, he’s already started for businesses, and nothing has been done…or very little.

Still quite a bit.

Always too late.

Always with people’s money.

Terrible improvisation.

Terrible inconsistency in public authorities.

Energy becomes ‘too expensive’ for ‘millions’ of workers, European unions warn

The European Confederation of Trade Unions warned in a statement on Tuesday that rising electricity and gas prices were making energy bills for millions of Europeans “unpayable”.

“About 9.5 million workers were already struggling to pay their energy bills” before inflation soared to a record 9.1% in one year in August in the eurozone, says the European Trade Union Confederation, based on a study by the European Trade Union Institute. From July 2021 to July 2022, the cost of gas and electricity rose by 38% across Europe and “continues to rise”. As a result, in sixteen EU member states including France, “workers must set aside minimum wages equivalent to a month’s salary or more to continue lighting and heating the house,” unions lament. In 2021, this was the case only in eight of the 27 EU member states.

In 2022, an Estonian worker must work twenty-six days longer than in 2021 to pay the annual energy bill, and a Dutch worker twenty more days. In Slovakia, Greece, Czech Republic and Italy, “the average annual energy bill now represents more than a month’s salary for active wage average salary” for his country, ETUC details. When your annual bill costs more than a month’s salary, there are no money-saving tricks. These prices are simply unaffordable today for millions of people.ETUC Deputy Secretary-General Esther Lynch is upset, is quoted in the press release.

The unions are therefore calling on European governments, which will meet this weekend in Prague to discuss energy issues, to “put an end to unsustainable price increases”. Le Figaro.fr source here

Energy prices should be capped

In France, this is called a tariff shield.

is necessary.

We cannot do otherwise.

Through our geopolitics we have created a terrible crisis with our Russian neighbor.

We can only pay the price of an unprecedented economic collapse.

We will have to “subsidize” energy prices.

It will increase the deficit, reduce the value of our currency, and increase monetary inflation.

The sad choice is between monetary inflation or energy price inflation.

So a great policy is that of the European Union which dreams of being strong and powerful but which is nothing but a paper tiger, without energy, without natural resources, soon without industry.

Sinking Europe led by donkeys.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

get ready !

Charles Sannat

“Insolentiae” means “insolence” in Latin
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“To stifle peaceful revolutions, one makes violent revolutions inevitable.” (John F. Kennedy)

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