
Family Allowances, RSA, Pensions: This Aid Must Increase in 2023!

Family allowances and RSA will be reassessed in April 2023. Pensions will be reassessed From January 2023 According to information reported by Les Echos on Sunday, September 25th.

A little help from the government

The purchasing power of the French would benefit from a small boost from the government. In fact, the state plans to slightly increase social benefits in 2023. However, as of January, pensions will increase by 0.8%. Family allowances will increase by 1.7% in April 2023.

It will be the same for Active Solidarity Income (RSA). And it was Les Echos that revealed this information on Sunday, September 25. The government had already expected a reassessment of social benefits to counteract the sharp rise in prices.

To do this, rely on current inflation. Usually, it depends on the previous year. However, in January 2022, pensions underwent1.1% increase. A few months later, on January 1, 2022 to be exact, these same pensions experienced another reassessment. This time 4%.

The government also has, at the same time, Increased family allowances and RSA. +1.8% in April and +4% in July.

Increase remaining on January 1, 2023

According to Les Echos, the CEO’s evaluation of Average pension reassessment During 2022 it is 3.1%. This assessment is included in the 2023 Social Security financing bill.

The daily specifies that the French should benefit from a residual increase on January 1, 2023. A residual increase of 0.8% In order to align inflation in 2022. The same applies to family allowances and RSA, which will increase by 1.7%. Planned increase to April 1, 2023.

Inflation is expected to rise again next year, i.e. + 4.3%. However, it should be at the center of discussions in the National Assembly from mid-October. Especially when examining the Social Security budget.

The Left Alliance has already made this claim. She wants fresh anticipation to reassess while the French facing crisis. Indeed, the energy crisis continues to weigh on the purchasing power of the French.

PLFSS also focuses on three other areas

Angry Pensions and family allowancesThis Social Security Financing Act also pertains to local authorities. This mainly concerns three areas, including combating medical deserts. In fact, access to healthcare for all French people is at the heart of this PLFSS.

However, the text provides for the establishment of the fourth year of internship for medical students. According to Francois Brown, Minister of Health, this construction will take place in low-density areas as a priority. It was Emmanuel Macron who announced this measure during his presidential campaign. Measure Which does not convince everyone.

As far as societies are concerned, the government Provides for the installation of doctors. The minister stressed the illegality of the aid system. During the next traditional negotiations between health insurance and liberal medicine, it will be reformed. Negotiations will take place in the coming weeks.

Will aim to achieve One Contract for Practitioners. This is to avoid asking for too many aids. In fact, this support request should be submitted to a one-stop shop. One-stop shop representing state, health insurance and local authorities. We will know more about the details of this device during CNR on October 4th.

Establishing a public childcare service

The second central axis of this program is the gradual establishment of the Early Childhood Public Service. This text should lay the foundation for this service in the continuity of a scheme for first 1000 days. In any case, this was confirmed by the office of the Minister of Solidarity. This stone is made from a free choice method of care (CMG) supplement.

To use a nanny, the remaining fee for the parents is currently higher. Much more important than a place in the nursery, that is, 60% of young children. The government says that from 2025 and Full implementation of the new systemthere will be coordination for the rest of the dependents.

From 2023, the number of places in nurseries should increase. The goal isUp to 200,000 additional places by 2033. In addition, the government also wants to increase support for single-parent families. Jean-Christophe Combe noted that “a third of these families live on an income below the poverty line. Jean-Christophe Combe is Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and the Disabled.

Thus, the family allowance will increase from 123.54 euros to 185.33 euros per month and per child, as of November 2022. For these families, the CMG will also apply until the children reach 12 years of age. Currently, it only extends to 6 years. In total, for children and families, investment cost 1.5 billion euros.

Supporting the autonomy of the elderly

The third axis relates to support Elderly independence. The new government has buried the great law on the independence of the elderly. However, it has provided additional means to assist the sector in emergency and long-term situations.

for autonomy and expense will increase by 5.2%. This is roughly an envelope 1.5 billion euros. For emergency response, the PLFSS is providing an envelope of €440 million for structures from 2022.


In fact, inflation also affects Medical and social institutions Like the rest of French society. In addition, the PLFSS also plans to extend the wage increase to the voluntary sector.

This is based on the increase in the index point announced in mid-September. This is to respond to the urgent need for staff shortages. To cover these expenses for the year 2023, envelope 670 million euros I have planned.

Additionally, there are measures planned to prepare for home supply diversion and incorporation aid. It is intended for elderly dependents. At Ehpad, we set a budget for 2023, 3000 out of 50000 nursing stations I promised for five years.

Moreover, to respond to the Orpea scandal, there is a section on financial transparency for private enterprises. Jean-Christophe Combe emphasized that a great deal of effort is being made to keep the elderly at home. create 4000 SSIAD places Strengthening home nursing services.

Two hours per week will be added to the assistance plan for APA recipients at home. The minister indicated that they will implement the procedure In close cooperation with departments who fund the APA.

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