
You should not miss the 7 warning signs of oral cancer

Symptoms of oral cancer include difficulty chewing and white or red patches in the mouth. Finding and treating oral cancer early can help prevent cancer from growing further or spreading to other areas.

Oral cancer results from the uncontrolled growth and reproduction of cells in certain areas of the mouth. It can occur on the inside of the cheeks, under the middle and front of the tongue, or on the tissues lining the mouth or the gum line. Men are diagnosed with oral cancer more often than women.

Oral cancer warning signs and symptoms

If a person has difficulty swallowing and pain around the throat, they should see a doctor. Oral cancer symptoms vary, but anyone who has had any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks should see a doctor for a diagnosis:

Difficulty chewing or swallowing
Swelling or a painful area in the mouth, throat, or on the lips
A white or red spot in the mouth
Difficulty moving the tongue or jaw
Unexpected weight loss
A sore or sore that does not heal or bleed
Pain or a lump anywhere in the mouth or on the lips.

However, it is important to remember that these are not definitive signs of oral cancer, but can be caused by other conditions, such as allergies or infection.

What are the causes and risk factors?

Experts believe that mutations in a cell’s DNA cause cancer by stimulating abnormal growth and cell death. Although the causes of the initial mutation are not clear in many cases, some specific factors may increase the risk of oral cancer.

These include in particular:

Tobacco and alcohol consumption: Any form of tobacco consumption involves the entry of carcinogens into the mouth, which greatly increases the risk of oral cancer. Excessive alcohol consumption can also increase the risk.

Age: The risk of developing oral cancer increases with age, with the average age of diagnosis being 62 years.

Human papillomavirus (HPV): This is a sexually transmitted infection that is strongly associated with several forms of oral cancer.

Sun exposure: The sun emits rays that can burn the lips and lead to the development of oral cancer.

Gender: Men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women, but it’s not clear why.


As with most other types of cancer, oral cancer is not always preventable. Some risk factors for developing oral cancer, such as being male or getting older, cannot be avoided. However, some lifestyle factors may reduce the risk of oral cancer, including:

Avoid tobacco
Drink alcohol in moderation
– Eat a healthy diet
Use a sunscreen, sunscreen, or lip balm on the lips when exposed to the sun
– Exercising regularly
– Maintaining oral hygiene
Go to the dentist regularly for examinations.

Why is early detection so important?

In most forms of cancer, early diagnosis is critical. Oral cancer treatment usually includes a combination of treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy, that are most effective in the early stages. If the cancer has spread to other areas, it becomes more difficult to isolate and treat it. If the cancer has not spread to surrounding tissues, 5-year survival rates for cancer of the mouth, lip, tongue, and floor of the mouth range from 75 to 93 percent. These numbers drop if the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues.

To remember:

Warning signs of oral cancer are mouth sores, white or red spots, tenderness or pain. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor. Early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment. Quitting smoking and using tobacco products can reduce the risk of oral cancer.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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