The death of Elizabeth II, on the air: “I feel very sad, I have the impression that my grandmother has died”; The British show their affection for the Queen

The death of Elizabeth II, on the air: “I feel very sad, I have the impression that my grandmother has died”; The British show their affection for the Queen

Elizabeth II, symbolic journeys

Despite her duty to stand by, the symbolic weight of Elizabeth II, head of state, and first representative and guarantor of the unity of her kingdom, was often emphasized during her official travels.

  • 1964: pariah in Quebec

Elizabeth II’s trips to Canada were repeatedly marked by outbreaks of separatist fever in Quebec. In 1964, on her first visit as Queen of Canada, a crowd “unclear” Waiting for him in front of the vice-governor’s residence, Agence France-Presse writes. “A group of young men, on the edge of the sidewalk, ostensibly turning their backs”. Demonstrations by separatist groups were severely suppressed during “Sabbath stick”. In 1990, when the country was going through a new constitutional crisis linked to Quebec, the Queen delivered a fiery speech to Parliament, written by her and her close colleagues, and not by the Canadian government, as tradition dictates. “I hope from the bottom of my heart that Canadians will unite and stay together instead of insisting on differences that can only sow new seeds for division.”as you say.

  • 1965: At the foot of the Berlin Wall

On May 27, 1965, over a million Berliners came to cheer the Queen during her six-hour visit to the divided city. With her presence and the enthusiasm she kindled, Elizabeth II asserted, despite repeated assurances coming from the other side of the Wall, that West Berlin belonged to the Western family., writes Agence France-Presse. In front of the wall, the king’s car stopped for about three minutes. “Unlike the other illustrious guests, Elizabeth II did not leave her seat to climb to the platform that allows you to watch what is happening in East Berlin. It would have been unbecoming of a queen”, describes the journalist. while speaking, “I didn’t scream from Berlin like John F. Kennedy did in 1962 in the same place. But the Queen doesn’t do the slogans, the density of crowds along a total route of 36 kilometers, the warmth of the cheers, she has nothing to envy about President Kennedy’s memorable visit.”Agency continues.

  • 1977: In Ulster despite “trouble”

In 1977, the Queen celebrated her 25th birthdaye Anniversary of his coronation and is keen to travel to Northern Ireland, which has been torn apart for eight years by conflict between Protestant loyalists and Catholic separatists. In the days before his arrival, the incendiary devices caused hundreds of thousands of pounds of damage in Belfast. To protect the Queen, accompanied by Prince Philip and his two youngest sons, an impressive device was deployed. A missile destroyer escorting his yacht, The Britannia. More than 32,000 police and military personnel have been mobilized for“Operation King”. On August 11, the Queen went to Coleraine University (80 km northwest of Belfast). Shortly before his arrival, the IRA claimed to have planted a bomb there. Elizabeth II launches fervent prayer for restoration of peace, urges Protestants and Catholics to end ‘Senseless violence’.

  • 1991: Mandela is a surprise guest

In 1991, Nelson Mandela, who had just been released from prison, was a guest at the Commonwealth Summit in Harare (Zimbabwe). Then a simple leader of the ANC, in a country still in full democratic transition, does not have the rank of attending the Queen’s banquet. I decided to break protocol and invite him. In the days leading up to this highly symbolic gesture, Elizabeth II was already out of her sanctuary, congratulating herself that apartheid was “Death in South Africa” In the early 1980s, the Queen gave her covert support to Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who was fighting to impose economic sanctions on South Africa, while his British counterpart, Margaret Thatcher, opposed it.

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